- 1. Rivals seek to split off dalit sub-castes.
- 她的对手则希望能分化一部分达利人的亚种姓。
- 2. If he had married a dalit, he says, “my family would not have been able to face society.”
- 他说,如果自己和一个达利女子结婚,那么他的家人在外人面前再也抬不起头了。
- 3. If so, pink elephants and bronze statues may prove less effective in getting out the dalit vote.
- 这样来看,可能粉象和铜雕对争取达利人的支持率来说都是浮云吧。
- 4. The case dates back to 1991 when a teenage Dalit boy eloped with his girlfriend who was from a higher caste.
- 案件发生在1991年,一名达利特少年与高种姓女友私奔。
- 5. The worst dalit-bashers are said to be the patels, Shahabpur’s biggest community, which is about 3, 000-strong.
- 殴打达利特最严重的据说是沙哈普尔最大社区帕特尔的人,大约有3000名恃强凌弱的人。
- 6. Ms Mayawati, a former primary-school teacher, is known for her love of diamonds and dalit-sized garlands of banknotes.
- 玛雅瓦提以前是小学教师,她以爱钻石和钞票扎成的花环多如达利特而闻名。
- 7. Most residents of Godown, a huddle of mud and brick huts, are dalit, especially chamars and dhobis, of the Hindu washer caste.
- Godown的大多数居民都是达利特,制革工人和男洗衣工居多,他们大都住在一片泥瓦房中。
- 8. Most residents of Godown, a huddle of mud and brick huts, are dalit, especially chamars and dhobis, of the Hindu washer caste.
- Godown的大多数居民都是达利特,制革工人和男洗衣工居多,他们大都住在一片泥瓦房中。