1. Jan Engle, professor of pharmacy at the College of pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago.
2. A widely applied estimation methodology proposed is the single equation method of Engle and Granger (1987) (hereafter EG).
3. They grew a year's worth of beans. “We want to be self-sufficient,” said Ms. Engle, who has even started making her own laundry detergent.
4. They grew a year's worth of beans. "We want to be self-sufficient," said Ms. Engle, who has even started making her own laundry detergent.
5. Engle brand design is the industry's top Hangzhou advertising company, the original leading creative culture, driving brand value communication.
6. Robert F. Engle, a finance professor at New York University who was the Nobel laureate in economics in 2003, has shown that periods of greatest volatility are predictable.
7. These are estimated using asymmetric volatility, correlation and copula methods similar to those in other sections of VLAB (for econometric details see Brownlees and Engle 2010).
8. In this paper the definitions of approach Angle, departure engle and ramp Angle of a motor vehicle defined by Japan Automobile Standardization Organization (JASO) are presented.
9. Yet MetLife occupies just that position in a ranking put out by Viral Acharya, Thomas Cooley, Robert Engle and Matthew Richardson of the Stern School of Business at New York University.
10. Yet MetLife occupies just that position in a ranking put out by Viral Acharya, Thomas Cooley, Robert Engle and Matthew Richardson of the Stern School of Business at New York University.