- 1. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.
- 1941年11月,佩恩患了严重的肺炎。
- 2. Dr. Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.
- 佩恩医生把拉娜带回检查室并告诉她这是她的视觉幻象。
- 3. Ms. Payne said she was honoured to accept the appointment and looked forward to its challenges.
- 佩恩女士说她很荣幸接受这一任命,并期待着它所带来的挑战。
- 4. More articles of John Payne you find here.
- 更多约翰·佩恩的文章,请点击此处。
- 5. John Howard Payne, American dramatist and actor.
- 美国剧作家、演员佩恩。
- 6. "The biggest surprise was chromium," Mr Payne said.
- “最令人惊诧的是铬,”佩恩说。
- 7. Notre Dame researcher Jessica D. Payne explains
- 圣母院研究者杰西卡.D.裴恩如是说
- 8. Payne was a dynamo in pursuit of his goal, however.
- 然而,在追求自己的目标时,佩恩是位精力充沛的人。
- 9. Henry was nursing a bad injury, so Payne acted as Director.
- 亨利受伤严重,正在调养,因此佩恩担当主管。
- 10. Howard Payne: NO! Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric.
- 霍华德:不,只有穷鬼才发疯,杰克,我只是行为古怪。
- 11. Payne was delighted to have added Olympic silver to his world bronze.
- 佩恩对世锦赛铜牌加奥运银牌的成绩感到非常高兴。
- 12. Double Payne window replacement and several design touches throughout home.
- 双格窗口和几个设计在整个房屋。
- 13. Then, Payne said he asked Jackson if there was anyone else he wanted to reach out to.
- 然后,佩恩说,杰克逊问他是否有其他人,他想接触。
- 14. "That's where the shocking, sort of draw-dropping concentrations exist," Mr Payne said.
- “令人震惊的是,污染物浓度呈抽脂-滴落状,”佩恩说。
- 15. Max Payne 2 is a fun game, definitely one that has occupied my nights for the last few days.
- 马克思·佩恩2是一款有趣的游戏,它毫无疑问的将成为占据我最后几个不眠之夜的几款游戏之一。
- 16. Payne has taken the research to heart. "I give myself an eight-hour sleep opportunity every night.
- 佩恩已经在关注这个研究了,佩恩说:“我每天晚上都给自己八个小时的睡眠机会,我以前从没这样做过-直到开始看到我的研究数据。”
- 17. But it may turn out that briefer naps would provide the same, or similar benefits, Payne says.
- 但佩恩说:很可能的情况是,简短的小睡将提供相同的或类似的好处。
- 18. "We need to quit bombarding them with choices way before their ability to handle them," Payne says.
- 不过佩恩说:“在他们还远没有能力处理这些事的时候,我们会避免给他们太多选择,免得他们无所适从。”
- 19. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. — John Howard Payne, American actor and poet.
- 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。- - -约翰·霍华德·佩恩,美国演员和诗人。
- 20. The Obamas on Tuesday had a private memorial service for Madelyn Payne Dunham, who helped raise him.
- 奥巴马全家于周二举行了一个家庭纪念仪式,悼念抚养他长大的外祖母玛德琳·佩恩•邓汉姆。
- 21. Next to Terri Payne and by the wheel of the cannon can clearly be seen a strange bluish white mist.
- 靠近特里佩涅并且靠近炮轮的地方我们可以看到一团奇怪的发蓝发白的烟雾。
- 22. John Howard Payne (American dramatist and actor) : Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
- 佩恩(美国剧作家、演员):金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。
- 23. "We all know it's an office, we know everyone is there to work, but it should still exude warmth," Payne says.
- Payne说,我们都明白那只是办公室,人们在那里工作,但它也应该充满温馨。
- 24. James Madison's wife, Dolley Madison, also sent her son from her first marriage, Payne Todd, away to school.
- 詹姆斯·麦迪逊的妻子多利麦迪逊,也把她第一次婚姻生下的孩子佩恩·托德送去了学校。
- 25. Jackson reassured Ortega that he was working at home with choreographer Travis Payne and was up on his dance moves.
- 杰克逊向渥太格保证他与舞美师特拉维斯·佩恩一起在家里工作,对他的舞步也很熟悉了。
- 26. And this is one instance where someone is actually practicing what they preach concluded from their research. Payne says.
- 这里有一个实践例子可以总结他们的研究,裴恩说。
- 27. IOC marketing director Michael Payne says the unveiling of the logo is key to the success of the Olympic marketing Program.
- 国际奥委会市场主管迈克尔·佩尼说,奥运会徽的揭幕,是成功举办奥运会的一个重要环节。
- 28. WHEN Gary Payne and Dick Dehn met in New York City in 1957, they could not have known they would still be together 54 years later.
- 1957年,加里·佩恩(Gary Payne)与迪克·德恩(DickDehn)在纽约相遇,他们不会知道两人还会共度之后的54年。
- 29. WHEN Gary Payne and Dick Dehn met in New York City in 1957, they could not have known they would still be together 54 years later.
- 1957年,加里·佩恩(Gary Payne)与迪克·德恩(DickDehn)在纽约相遇,他们不会知道两人还会共度之后的54年。