- 1. Her baby is two weeks overdue.
- 她的胎儿已超过预产期两周了。
- 2. We had heard nothing for weeks.
- 我们好几个星期都没得到任何消息了。
- 3. The course lasts five weeks.
- 这门课程上五周。
- 4. She spent two weeks in hospital.
- 她住院两周。
- 5. They gave her two weeks' notice.
- 他们通知她两周后搬走。
- 6. The party was planned weeks ahead.
- 聚会提前几个星期就已筹划好了。
- 7. She was in a coma for seven weeks.
- 她昏迷了七周。
- 8. The baby was four weeks premature.
- 这个婴儿早产了四周。
- 9. I think it's only three weeks long.
- 我想只有三个星期长。
- 10. The weeks went slowly by.
- 时间一周周慢慢地过去了。
- 11. The cure took six weeks.
- 此疗程花了六个星期。
- 12. We suffered weeks of heavy shelling.
- 我们遭受了几星期的密集炮击。
- 13. She spent two weeks in the hospital.
- 她住院两周。
- 14. For two weeks they evaded the press.
- 他们有两周一直避而不见记者。
- 15. I'll be leaving town in a few weeks.
- 我过几个星期将出城去。
- 16. The weeks go so quickly!
- 一周周过得真快!
- 17. He would disappear for weeks on end.
- 他常常是连续几周不见人影。
- 18. The work is 22 weeks behind schedule.
- 这项工作比预计时间推迟了22周。
- 19. We haven't had a night out for weeks.
- 我们已经好几个星期晚上没出去过了。
- 20. Most weeks, Sunday is my only day off.
- 大多数时候,我只有星期天才休息。
- 21. He spent two weeks at camp this summer.
- 他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。
- 22. Three or four more weeks won't kill me!
- 再多上三四个星期也难不倒我。
- 23. The weeks crawled by.
- 几个星期慢慢地过去了。
- 24. We were offered 13 weeks' severance pay.
- 我们得了13个星期的离职补偿金。
- 25. We spent two weeks cruising the Bahamas.
- 我们花了两个星期乘船游览巴哈马群岛。
- 26. Her mother stayed for another two weeks.
- 她母亲又呆了两周时间。
- 27. Richard has gone on leave for two weeks.
- 理查德休假两周了。
- 28. I've been practising my serve for weeks.
- 我练发球有好几周了。
- 29. For five weeks they zoomed around Europe.
- 他们在欧洲各国马不停蹄地奔波了五个星期。
- 30. It's been two weeks now since she called.
- 她到现在已经有两个星期没来电话了。