- 1. She wasn't yet attuned to her baby's needs.
- 她还没有熟悉她宝宝的需要。
- 2. He seemed unusually attuned to people's feelings.
- 他似乎格外善解人意。
- 3. Their ears were still attuned to the sounds of the farm machinery.
- 他们依然能听出农场的机器声。
- 4. Rats and other animals need to be highly attuned to social signals from others so they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.
- 老鼠和其他动物需要对来自其他动物的社会信号有高度的协调性,这样它们才能分清哪些是可以合作的朋友,哪些是要躲避的敌人。
- 5. He was an organic farmer and very attuned to nature.
- 他是个有机农场主,和大自然非常和谐。
- 6. He was -intuitive and especially attuned to the love of his life.
- 他这人是直觉的,特别为了与生命中的爱人合拍时。
- 7. "Physicians should be attuned to their patients' values," he added.
- 他补充说,“医生们应该置身处地的为患者考虑。”
- 8. Highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.
- 协调了初期英语的史前语源学。
- 9. My son is as attuned to nonverbal cues as any older members of our family.
- 我儿子对非语言暗示的理解能力不逊于我家任何比他年长的人。
- 10. We suspect the children with autism are not attuned to the same social subtleties.
- 我们怀疑,患自闭症的孩子不能针对这样微妙的社交活动进行协调。
- 11. Why crows and similar species are so closely attuned to humans is a matter of debate.
- 乌鸦和近似物种为什么能与人类和谐共处?
- 12. "Psychiatrists are attuned to encouraging patients to stick with treatment," he noted.
- 他说:精神病学家习惯于鼓励病人坚持治疗。
- 13. The phrase '21st century enlightenment' rings hollow for many historically attuned ears.
- 对很多熟悉历史的人来说,“21世纪启蒙”这个词听起来很空洞。
- 14. There is all sorts of background noise that I'm so attuned to, I don't notice it anymore.
- 原来有很多种我早就习惯并忽略的背景声。
- 15. This lifelong habit has kept him sharply attuned to the shifting mosaic of the telecom industry.
- 长时间养成的习惯让他对不断变幻的电信行业保持了灵敏的触觉。
- 16. So is Germany now a “normal” (ie, selfish) country, more attuned to national than to European interests?
- 那么现在,德国是否已经成为了一个“正常的”(换言之,就是利己的)国家了? 相对全欧洲的利益,德国人是否已经开始关注本国的利益了?
- 17. So attuned is he to toddlers that he has a standing invitation from the nursery at church to hang out.
- 他跟蹒跚学步的幼儿很合性子,以至教会托儿所邀请他来玩,长期有效。
- 18. They reveal how attuned people are to all the issues surrounding the Games, not just the sports events themselves.
- 这表示人们不仅在关注赛事本身,也在关注关于赛事的一些周边情况。
- 19. The tones came from a church in the still forest; people looked thitherward, and felt their minds attuned most solemnly.
- 它似乎是从一个藏在静寂而清香的森林里的教堂里发出来的。大家朝这声音飘来的方向望,不禁起了一种庄严的感觉。
- 20. The answer to the second is that less well attuned but considerably larger eruptions are all but certain in decades to come.
- 而第二个问题的答案是:未来几十年内影响稍小同埃亚·菲亚·德拉比较但相当规模的喷发必定会发生。
- 21. Not any boy or girl will do, but only those rare souls baffled by their young lives or attuned to the weeping troubles of this world.
- 并非任何一个男童或女童都能交换,只有那些少之又少的、对他们年幼的生命感到困扰,或与世上的悲愁心有戚戚的才有可能。
- 22. Even if we try to soldier on, our socially attuned nervous systems are telling us that exclusion is very bad for our survival prospects.
- 即使我们迎着困难坚持干下去,我们的社会协调神经仍然会告诉我们这些不和谐,会对我们的生存造成很坏的影响。
- 23. Swiss headlights bouncing in our mirror, we drove on, smugly elated at having taught a lesson in bush survival to ill-attuned Europeans.
- 我们继续向前行驶,瑞士人的车头灯闪烁在我的反光镜里,我为给那些笨拙的欧洲人上了一堂丛林逃生课而沾沾自喜。
- 24. This suggests that something in the brain is attuned to picking out angry expressions, and that it is especially concerned about angry men.
- 这表明大脑中的某些物质与辨别愤怒的情绪有关联,特别是容易发怒的人。
- 25. Shadow ministers dutifully pop up to oppose, but seem more attuned to defend their own record than offer anything that resembles new policy.
- 影子部长们感到自己责任在身,于是起身反对。但他们似乎更习惯于自卫,没有提出任何像样的新政。
- 26. When the string of the mind is properly attuned to the universe then at each point the universal song can awaken its sympathetic vibrations.
- 当心弦与宇宙万物合拍时,宇宙的歌声时时刻刻都能唤起心灵和谐的共振。
- 27. One's ears are more attuned to sounds in the darker hours – the very occasional shriek of a shearwater, the other sounds with no known cause.
- 在黑暗中,人的耳朵会对声音更敏感——偶尔有海鸥发出尖利的叫声,还有各种来路不明的声音。
- 28. One's ears are more attuned to sounds in the darker hours – the very occasional shriek of a shearwater, the other sounds with no known cause.
- 在黑暗中,人的耳朵会对声音更敏感——偶尔有海鸥发出尖利的叫声,还有各种来路不明的声音。