- 1. His property is fenced with barbed wire.
- 他的房地产四周围有带刺的铁丝网。
- 2. The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.
- 工厂被带刺铁丝网围着。
- 3. Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.
- 一块块土地都用带刺的铁丝网圈了起来。
- 4. The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire.
- 囚犯们切断铁丝网开出一条路逃之夭夭。
- 5. His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
- 他的夹克被铁丝网挂得稀烂。
- 6. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
- 这带刺的铁丝在我右眼正下方只留下了极小的划痕。
- 7. We made our way through the thick brush, undergrowth, and the trees until we came to a wooden post fence with barbed wire.
- 我们穿过浓密的灌木丛、矮树丛和树,来到一个有带刺铁丝网的木栅栏前。
- 8. We step over the barbed wire into the pasture.
- 我们跨过带刺的铁丝网,来到牧场上。
- 9. Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf.
- 巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。
- 10. Lincoln throws the jumpsuits on the barbed wire, creating a gap.
- Lincoln将制服扔在铁丝网上,形成了一个安全的空隙。
- 11. The barbed wire fences serve as a reminder of the horrors of the past.
- 这些带有倒刺的铁丝围栏是对恐怖过去的一种提醒。
- 12. The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.
- 受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。
- 13. There were no signs marking the international border, no fences, no barbed wire.
- 这儿是没有任何标记的国际边界,没有围墙,没有铁丝网。
- 14. Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated2 body warm.
- 我沿着铁丝网来回走,想暖和一下我瘦弱的身体。
- 15. To farm the plains, he needed barbed wire for fences, and plows and other new equipment.
- 要想在大草原上耕种,他需要铁丝来做栅栏,需要犁和其他耕种设备。
- 16. The whale carcass left by the Inupiaq whale hunters is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.
- 捕猎人留下的依努皮亚鲸鱼残骸被一个铁丝网包围住。
- 17. The soft background of the cloud-filled blue sky contrasts well with the barbed wire foreground.
- 蓝天白云与带刺的防护网形成了鲜明的对比。
- 18. A 16-year-old girl died last night after riding a makeshift sledge into a barbed wire fence.
- 一名16岁少女在昨晚死去,她驾驶一架简易雪橇冲进了一团尖锐的铁丝网。
- 19. In Kiboko, Kenya, a barbed wire fence separates a field of hybrid corn from the surrounding lands.
- Kiboko Kenya,一片杂交玉米田被铁丝网围了起来。
- 20. There's broken glass everywhere, there's rusted barbed wire everywhere, the level of pollution is insane.
- 到处是碎玻璃,到处是生锈的铁丝网,污染的状况让人疯狂。
- 21. Lincoln holds open a gap in a barbed wire fence. Tweener runs in too quickly and slices his hand on the wire.
- Lincoln将一道铁丝网撑开一个空隙,Tweener钻了过去,他动作太快在铁丝上划伤了手。
- 22. Asked to describe "Israel house", one focus group imagined it as arid, all-male and surrounded by barbed wire.
- 在被要求描述“以色列房屋”时,一个焦点组将之描述为:不毛之地、全是男性、铁丝网环绕。
- 23. Lincoln moves across the cable and almost slips, but he regains his grip and makes it to the barbed wire lined wall.
- Lincoln顺着电缆线爬着,差点失足掉下去,但他再次抓紧电缆爬到了墙外,墙上布满带刺铁丝网。
- 24. Completed in 2005, it is much larger than other homes in the area, and surrounded by high walls topped with barbed wire.
- 这处居所2005年完成,比周围的房子大得多,带刺的铁丝网高墙耸立四周。
- 25. A barbed wire fence and a wide ditch protect the growing hill of ash: any attempt to approach brings the guards out in force.
- 带刺铁丝网围成的篱笆和一道宽宽的壕沟保护着这座越来越高的灰土堆成的小山,任何人试图接近这里都会引来大批警卫。
- 26. The above picture portrays Agim Shala, a two-year-old boy, who is passed through a fence made with barbed wire to his family.
- 上图中的孩子是AgimShala,一名2岁男孩,他正从从为他家人架设的铁丝网中通过。
- 27. Behind the pillboxes were more lines of barbed wire and more trenches and dugouts reinforced with concrete to withstand artillery bombardment.
- 在这些机枪碉堡后方是更多的铁丝网、更多的壕沟,以及使用混凝土进行强化并能承受炮火轰击的掩蔽部。
- 28. Behind the pillboxes were more lines of barbed wire and more trenches and dugouts reinforced with concrete to withstand artillery bombardment.
- 在这些机枪碉堡后方是更多的铁丝网、更多的壕沟,以及使用混凝土进行强化并能承受炮火轰击的掩蔽部。