19. Using the telecommunications network, rather than the Internet, for botnet control allows attackers to hide their actions from users.
20. There has been a range of speculation about the nature of the threat posed by the botnet, from a wake-up call to a devastating attack.
21. Last week, investigators quickly located computers that were involved with the control of the botnet in Britain and several other countries.
22. Now Clark and colleagues have investigated how the cloud could be used to build a botnet, a network of infected computers under an attacker's control.
23. In 2008 researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and San Diego posed as spammers, infiltrated a botnet and measured its success rate.
24. The important thing about the attacks coming from the U.S. is that a lot of American's computers are infected with malware, thus part of some botnet.
25. It now has the power to lash together those infected computers into a vast supercomputer called a botnet that can be controlled clandestinely by its creators.
26. Having a botnet at your fingertips will cost you $225, and a tool that exploits a vulnerability on a banking site averages $740 and runs as high as $3, 000.
27. The Anon Ops website was taken down suddenly despite having upgraded to what PandaLabs describe as a ‘bullet-proof server’ designed to resist botnet attacks.
28. The Anon Ops website was taken down suddenly despite having upgraded to what PandaLabs describe as a ‘bullet-proof server’ designed to resist botnet attacks.