- 1. Centesimal method or unifying bid evaluation standard or quantifying bid evaluation factors can be used for evaluating whether the b...
- 衡量投标文件是否最大限度满足招标文件中的各项评价标准,可以采取百分制的方法,统一评标标准,量化评标因素。
- 2. Small town became a town between one night, old wish came true, then, town of 3 fork river increased at a draught very, centesimal lively.
- 小镇一夜之间变成了县城,多年的愿望实现了,于是,三岔河镇一下子便增加了十分、百分的热闹。
- 3. Small town became a town between one night, old wish came true, then, town of 3 fork river increased at a draught very, centesimal lively.
- 小镇一夜之间变成了县城,多年的愿望实现了,于是,三岔河镇一下子便增加了十分、百分的热闹。