18. Lydia tried to smoke only one cigarette a week, but she ended up going back to her old habits. She decided to try out going cold turkey.
19. Eat vegetarian as much as possible without giving up meat entirely. Learn to enjoy vegetarian food before you quit meat coldTurkey (no pun intended).
20. It is easier to dry out a drunk, take someone off hard drugs or watch a three-pack-a-day smoker go coldTurkey than live with a fan during a long losing streak.
21. It's impossible to describe the feeling, but when you take a heroin junkie, and it's either cold Turkey or the alternative, you understand why they commit crimes.
22. Withdrawalsymptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going "cold Turkey", a study has concluded.
23. Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going "cold Turkey", a study has concluded.
24. New research is identifying the molecular reasons why alcohol and drug habits are so difficult to break, which could point the way to new medicines to help addicts go cold Turkey.
25. The reports from students after the study suggest that giving up technology cold turkey not only makes life logistically difficult, but also changes our ability to connect with others.
26. Over the years, it is true, the peace between Israel and Egypt grew cold. After the 2008 Gaza war between Israel and Hamas a frost settled on relations between Israel and Turkey as well.