英 [feɪz]美 [fez]
1. 长了一身“痱子”,折磨,使…狼狈。
faze 惊慌来自英语方言feeze, 警报,慌乱,来自PIE*pent, 走,离开,词源同path.
- faze
- faze: [19] Faze ‘disconcert’ is now mainly restricted to American English, but in fact it has an extensive prehistory stretching back to Anglo-Saxon times. It is a variant of feeze, a verb meaning ‘drive away’ or ‘alarm’ as well as ‘disconcert’ which survives in American English and in some British dialects, and which comes from Old English fēsian ‘drive away’.
- faze (v.)
- 1830, American English, said to be a variant of Kentish dialect feeze "to frighten, alarm, discomfit" (mid-15c.), from Old English fesian, fysian "drive away, send forth, put to flight," from Proto-Germanic *fausjan (cognates: Swedish fösa "drive away," Norwegian föysa). Related: Fazed; fazing. Bartlett (1848) has it as to be in a feeze "in a state of excitement." There also is a nautical verb feaze "to unravel" (a rope), from 1560s.
- 1. Big concert halls do not faze Melanie.
- 巨大的音乐厅不会让梅拉妮发慌。
- 2. The news did not faze him.
- 这个消息并没有使他担心.
- 3. She's so calm, nothing seems to faze her.
- 她很镇静,遇事不慌乱。
- 4. Be like intended person contact directly with oneself please, intermediary not faze!
- 如想要向人士请与个人直接联系, 中介请勿打扰!
- 5. Basically be professional, the service is good. Blame sincere not faze!
- 主要是专业, 服务好. 非诚勿扰!