
英 [faʊnd]美 [faʊnd]
  • vt. 创立,建立;创办
  • v. 找到(find的过去分词)
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
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1. bottom => found, founder, fund and fundamental.
found 创建

来自PIE*bhudh, 底部,基础,词源bottom. 进一步可追溯自PIE*bhedh, 挖,词源同bed, fossil.

found 熔铸

来自PIE*gheu, 倾注,流入,词源同geyser, fusion, alchemy,confound. 用于冶金学。

found: Aside from the past form of find, there are two distinct words found in English. Found ‘establish’ [13] comes via Old French fonder from Latin fundāre, a derivative of fundus ‘bottom’ (which, like English bottom, goes back ultimately to Indo-European *bhud- or *bhund-). The Latin words also gave English founder, fund and fundamental. Found ‘melt’ [14], which is now mainly represented by the derived foundry [17], comes via Old French fondre from Latin fundere ‘pour, melt’.

This goes back to Indo-European *ghud-, *gheud-, from which English also gets ingot. Amongst related forms in English are (from French fondre) font, fondant, and fondu, (from Latin fundere) funnel, (from the Latin past participle fūsus) fuse and fusion, and (from *fud-, the immediate root of Latin fundere) futile [16], which etymologically means ‘that pours away’, hence ‘useless’.

=> bottom, founder, fund, fundamental; fondant, funnel, fuse, fusion, futile, ingot
found (v.1)
"lay the basis of, establish," late 13c., from Old French fonder "found, establish; set, place; fashion, make" (12c.), from Latin fundare "to lay the bottom or foundation" of something, from fundus "bottom, foundation" (see fund (n.)). Related: Founded; founding. Phrase founding fathers with reference to the creators of the American republic is attested from 1916.
found (v.2)
"to cast metal," late 14c., originally "to mix, mingle," from Old French fondre "pour out, melt, smelt" (12c.), from Latin fundere (past participle fusus) "melt, cast, pour out," from PIE root *gheu- "to pour" (cognates: Greek khein "to pour," khoane "funnel," khymos "juice;" Gothic giutan, German gießen, Old English geotan "to pour;" Old English guttas (plural) "bowels, entrails;" Old Norse geysa "to gush;" German Gosse "gutter, drain"). Meaning "to cast metal" is from 1560s. Related: Founded; founding.
found (adj.)
"discovered," late 14c., past participle adjective from find (v.). Expression and found attached to the wages or charges in old advertisements for job openings, travelling berths, etc., indicates that meals are provided. It comes from the expression to find one's self "to provide for one's self." "When a laborer engages to provide himself with victuals, he is said to find himself, or to receive day wages" [Bartlett, "Dictionary of Americanisms," 1848]. Hence, so much and found for "wages + meals provided."
1. They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.


2. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend'swife.


3. He found evidence of mutated forms of the gene.


4. The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.


5. Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues.
