英 ['hek(ə)l]
美 ['hɛkl]
1. "flax comb," from hechel, from PIE *keg- "hook, tooth" (see hook).
2. => comb (flax or hemp) with a heckle, 及其引申义。
3. 老友记:Mr. heckles,have you seen a monkey? 哈克先生,我们朋友遗失了一只猴子 你有看见吗? (根据角色取的名字)。
heckle 麻梳,责问,诘问来自PIE*keg,齿,钩子,词源同hook,hack.用于指麻梳,梳理黄麻的梳子,由于黄麻比较粗糙,梳理时需要用很大力,因此引申词义简单粗暴,责问,诘问。
- heckle (v.)
- early 14c., "to comb (flax or hemp) with a heckle;" from heckle (n.) or from related Middle Dutch hekelen. Figurative meaning "to question severely in a bid to uncover weakness" is from late 18c. "Long applied in Scotland to the public questioning of parliamentary candidates" [OED]. Related: Heckled; heckling.
- heckle (n.)
- "flax comb," c. 1300, hechel, perhaps from an unrecorded Old English *hecel or a cognate Germanic word (such as Middle High German hechel, Middle Dutch hekel), from Proto-Germanic *hakila-, from PIE *keg- "hook, tooth" (see hook (n.)).
- 1. The offending comment was in fact a heckle from an audience member.
- 这番冒犯性的话实际上是一名观众的诘难。
- 2. A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.
- 一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。
- 3. He went to heckle at their meetings.
- 他去他们的会议起哄.
- 4. Europe has continued to haunt and heckle the American imagination.
- 欧洲终久还是紧紧缠着美国人的心,耿耿难安.
- 5. The reporter wanted to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing questions.
- 记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人.