1. clever, klug (德语单词:clever) => kludge, kluge.
- kludge
- 1962, noun and verb, U.S. slang, fanciful coinage by U.S. author Jackson W. Granholm (b.1921). Related: Kludgy.
- 1. As an engineer, he can recognise a kludge when he sees one.
- 作为一名工程师, 他一眼就能识别出那些尚不成熟的技术.
- 2. To use a feature, the programmer calls the feature, without thinking about the kludge.
- 如果要使用一个特性, 程序员就调用该特性, 而不必考虑组装件的存在.
- 3. If the UI changes, the kludge can be redone without affecting a single script.
- 而如果用户界面发生改变, 则可以在不影响单个脚本的情况下重建组装件.