- 1. Ladette is a young woman whose social behaviour is similar to that of male adolescents or young men.
- “假小子”指的是社会行为类似于青少年男性或者年轻男性的年轻女性。
- 2. Ladette behaves in a confident and noisy way, who drinks alcohol and may enjoy sport or other activities that are traditionally enjoyed by men.
- “假小子”表现很自信,但也很吵闹,爱喝酒,可能喜欢体育或其他男性通常喜欢的运动。
- 3. Ladette behaves in a confident and noisy way, who drinks alcohol and may enjoy sport or other activities that are traditionally enjoyed by men.
- “假小子”表现很自信,但也很吵闹,爱喝酒,可能喜欢体育或其他男性通常喜欢的运动。