- 1. We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.
- 我们穿过了蜿蜒小溪上的一座小铁桥。
- 2. He charts a meandering route.
- 他画了一条蜿蜒的路线图。
- 3. This one is just a meandering in the woods path.
- 这是在针叶林中蜿蜒的小路。
- 4. The place offers meandering rivers and green meadows.
- 那地方尽是弯弯的河水跟绿绿的草原。
- 5. Meeting those meandering down they turn and descend again.
- 与漫天飞舞的雪相遇,又改道向下降落。
- 6. The worry is it makes my driving worse. Plus I worry I'm giving you meandering quotes.
- 最让我担心的是我越开越坏了,更何况我们正闲谈着。
- 7. In the Tathang and Yan Mountains, incised and meandering valleys formed in Quarternary.
- 太行山、燕山山地中的深切曲流河谷形成于第四纪。
- 8. We've walked for hours and hours every day, mixing the meandering, lazy stroll with a hard paced walk.
- 我曾每天步行好几个小时,或蜿蜒小径,或散漫流连,而步履依旧。
- 9. And through all of that the fishing boats... meandering through the marsh grass, captain of the sea.
- 渔船慢慢穿过沼泽草地,这就像是在海上航行一样美妙。
- 10. When the creek is filled with water, it becomes a linear reflecting pool meandering through the garden.
- 当小溪中充满水,它便成为一个线性倒影池蜿蜒穿过花园。
- 11. The pre-existing approach to the house involved a narrow, meandering driveway with limited parking space.
- 项目以前存在的入口是一个狭小、曲折的车道和里面有限的停车空间。
- 12. If you like to walk and shop on the streets, enjoy the meandering and ambience be part of its experience.
- 如果喜欢在大街小巷漫步、购物,那就尽情从中体验那份难得的悠然和闲趣。
- 13. With its older cities, Europe is more amenable to meandering. Think cobblestone streets and hidden gardens.
- 欧洲,由于它的古老,有鹅卵石的街道和隐秘花园,便于人们漫步于其中。
- 14. The village is only accessible on foot, the path meandering through meadows in which the tribe is growing paddy.
- 只能通过走路才能到达村庄,蜿蜒的小径穿过部落种植稻谷的洼地。
- 15. Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center.
- 山东是个巨大的被向东流去的大海环绕的半岛,黄河曲折的流经其中部。
- 16. All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.
- 所有这些与蜿蜒弯曲的格兰德河和卡门山脉一起在河对岸的墨西哥向你招手。
- 17. Back in the dinosaur era, it was more of a floodplain environment, with a flat plain crisscrossed by big, meandering rivers.
- 在恐龙时期这个地区则更多为泛滥平原环境,平坦的平原上纵横交错着大而曲折的河流。
- 18. Meandering river of life, always being in our choice, choose hard, choose to give up, decided to appear the opposite end.
- 生命的长河总是蜿蜒在我们的选择之中,选择奋斗,选择放弃,毅然会出现截然相反的结局。
- 19. I love meandering through the stacks at the library after the patrons have gonehome, lightly touching the spines of the books.
- 在顾客离开之后,我爱在书架之间漫步,轻轻的触碰书脊。
- 20. Each length is twisted so visitors approaching on a long, meandering bridge are provided with an ever-changing perspective.
- 每一个长度都是扭着的,所以游客经过漫长蜿蜒的桥梁时可看到不断变化的视角。
- 21. Whenever you play these chords, they will mean a lot more to you than the thoughtless meandering you were previously doing.
- 每当你弹奏这些和弦时,它们对你的意义要比你以前所做的未经考虑的漫不经心的演奏多许多。
- 22. Dishui Lake in the center and meandering waterways running around are for the purpose of flood controlling, drainage and landscape.
- 中央的滴水湖和蜿蜒的河流可用做洪水控制、排水和风景为目的。
- 23. The point of this meandering introduction is that we are rapidly approaching an age where this general rule is no longer rock-solid.
- 这个蜿蜒引进的一点是,我们正在迅速接近一个时代里,这个一般规则已不再坚如磐石。
- 24. As people’s demands on the river outpaced the rate of recharge, the deep, meandering reservoir dropped to only 33 percent of capacity in 2005.
- 随着人们对河水的取用的速度超过了水的补给速度,到2005年原本蜿蜒深邃的水库水量降至库容能力的33%。
- 25. A sprawling complex of temples amid immaculately kept gardens and meandering lanes, Daitoku-ji is a good introduction to Japanese Zen Buddhism.
- 一系列的寺庙零散分布在保持整洁的庭院和蜿蜒的小巷当中,其中大德寺可以很好地向您介绍日本禅宗佛教。
- 26. A sprawling complex of temples amid immaculately kept gardens and meandering lanes, Daitoku-ji is a good introduction to Japanese Zen Buddhism.
- 一系列的寺庙零散分布在保持整洁的庭院和蜿蜒的小巷当中,其中大德寺可以很好地向您介绍日本禅宗佛教。