7. Thankfully, the synchronistic offer to set up the mirror site in early May from a very thoughtful person in Switzerland, came at just the right time.
8. Every mirrorsite is required to have a set of core services available. In addition to these required services, there are a number of optional services that server administrators may choose to offer.
9. For each product that you can update from your local mirror of the update server, you should have one URL map for the update site, and another URL map for the discovery site.
13. The sections below describe the tasks for creating a mirror of the product update site on your local server.
14. Peer-to-peer remote copy (PPRC) is a protocol to mirror a disk from one storage system to another disk in a remote site.
点对点远程复制(peer - to - peer remote copy,PPRC)是将磁盘从一个存储系统镜像到远程站点中的另一个磁盘的协议。
15. The following steps explain how to deploy the Metro Mirror functionality with the DB2 pureScale Feature so that hdisk8 and hdisk9 are being mirrored from the primary site to the target site.
16. The mobile version of Digg and its suite of apps will also be revamped to mirror changes made to the site.
17. The only problem with the site is the poor quality of the photographs –users tend to take the photos themselves, with a mirror, often using a camera phone in poor lighting.
18. For example, Web site operators could opt into a system of "mirror as you link."
19. On the primary site, an application workload can now run against the database, and the Metro mirror function automatically mirrors changes at the disk level to the target site.
20. Two sites have to go to the Lun owner site to write, and then mirror to the other end of the cache.
21. Hierarchical archive structure represents a mirror of every web site.
22. Without the written permission, holder's photography you may not use this web site of any content mirror, link to any other web sites, server or Internet devices.
23. Without the written permission, holder's photography you may not use this web site of any content mirror, link to any other web sites, server or Internet devices.