- 1. This book is a rattling good read.
- 这是一本非常好的读物。
- 2. From the kitchen came a rattling of cups and saucers.
- 从厨房里传来叮叮当当杯盘相碰的声音。
- 3. I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car.
- 我最终设法解决了我汽车发出的格格响声。
- 4. She spent the last few years alone, rattling around the old family home.
- 她在世的最后几年,一个人居住在空空荡荡的老宅子里。
- 5. He can mend your little house and stop the rattling.
- 他可以修理你的小房子,停止咔哒咔哒的响声。
- 6. You knew when it was "milk time" because you could hear the crate rattling with its load of tiny bottles.
- 你知道什么时候是“牛奶时间”,因为你能听到板条箱里装着的小瓶子叮当作响。
- 7. The windows were rattling in the wind.
- 风吹窗户格格发响。
- 8. Hailstones were rattling on the roofs.
- 雹子打在屋顶上乒乓乱响。
- 9. The doors and Windows are rattling in the wind.
- 门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。
- 10. Hailstone are rattling on the window-panes.
- 冰雹劈里啪啦地敲打着窗玻璃。
- 11. They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens.
- 地下厨房里,她们把早餐盘子弄得咯咯作响。
- 12. Outside the rattling Windows there was a restless whispering wind.
- 窗户格格作响,外边不停地刮着风,像在低声耳语。
- 13. His handcart is still rattling along though it was oiled yesterday.
- 他的手推车虽然昨天上了油,但跑起来还是嘎嘎作响。
- 14. The original is a wall-rattling frequency too low for us to hear.
- 它们的原声由于频率太低以至于人类无法听到。
- 15. Mr Ivanov was more in tune with Mr Putin's anti-Western sabre-rattling.
- 伊万诺夫更是与普京反西方的武力炫耀姿态一唱一和。
- 16. In rail, where Siemens had fallen badly behind, it is now rattling along.
- 在西门子曾远远落后铁路业务方面,现在也迅速赶上来了。
- 17. People are going to work and the shutters are rattling like coats of mail.
- 人们去工作,百叶窗像盔甲一样格格响。
- 18. I see him nervously rattling his keys as he says, "You're her friend, right?"
- 我仿佛看到,他拿出一大串叮当乱响的钥匙,有点提心吊胆的说:“你是她朋友,对吧?”
- 19. James Watt's is supposed to have been when he saw the lid of his kettle rattling.
- 詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt)的契机据说发生在见到壶里噗噗作响的沸水顶动了壶盖之时。
- 20. A rig pounds an inlet out of the coast, sending rubble rattling down a pipe to the sea.
- 一个操控装置敲击着海滩上突出的入海口,把碎石咔哒咔哒送进通向海里的管子。
- 21. Then, to my surprise, she was suddenly standing behind me, rattling off something in French.
- 然后,让我非常意外的是,她突然站到了我身后,叽里呱啦地说了一长串法语。
- 22. "Eat, Kanchi." said Mitthu, rattling the rice ladle over the pot, annoyed at her own fright.
- “凯蒂吃呀。”米绨说,一面用饭勺把锅敲得砰砰的响,同时对她自己的惊慌失措感到恼怒。
- 23. About midnight, while we still sat up, the storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury.
- 大约午夜时分,我们都还坐着的当儿,暴风雨来势汹汹地在山庄顶上隆隆作响。
- 24. To judge by the gale rattling the Arab world this week, he may have to answer such questions rather soon.
- 鉴于本周刮过阿拉伯的这阵风来势凶猛,奥巴马必须尽快回答这些问题了。
- 25. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling.
- 它大口大口喘着气,很有节律地,带动它庞大的身躯痛苦地一起一伏,一起一伏。
- 26. With the Pirate Bay facing its strongest challenge yet, its administrators have not stopped rattling their cutlasses.
- 当海盗湾正面临着它有史以来最大的挑战时,它的管理员并不打算束手就擒。
- 27. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the Windows, banging a piece of iron on the roof and making her bed tremble.
- 只不过是风声萧萧,屋动窗摇,铁片碰撞房顶的咣当声和床铺簌簌作响的颤抖声。
- 28. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the Windows, banging a piece of iron on the roof and making her bed tremble.
- 只不过是风声萧萧,屋动窗摇,铁片碰撞房顶的咣当声和床铺簌簌作响的颤抖声。