- 1. In my view things won't change.
- 在我看来形势不会改变。
- 2. It won't go on beyond midnight.
- 这事不会延续到午夜以后。
- 3. This machine won't let you down.
- 你尽管放心,这台机器不会出毛病。
- 4. The problem won't just disappear.
- 这个问题不会就这样不了了之的。
- 5. His annoyance won't last.
- 他不会烦恼多久。
- 6. That won't hurt you any.
- 那根本不会伤害你。
- 7. She won't pay any extra.
- 她不会支付任何额外费用。
- 8. She won't accept advice from anyone.
- 她不会接受任何人的忠告。
- 9. The lid won't come off.
- 盖子不会脱掉。
- 10. These piecemeal solutions won't work.
- 这些零敲碎打的解决办法不会有效。
- 11. They won't go, surely?
- 他们不会真的要走吧?
- 12. He won't commit.
- 他不会承诺。
- 13. The damned thing won't start!
- 这该死的东西就是发动不起来!
- 14. Oh blast! The car won't start.
- 真该死!车子就是发动不了。
- 15. He won't allow himself to fail.
- 他不容许自己失败。
- 16. Fretting about it won't help.
- 苦恼于事无补。
- 17. Sorry, I won't mention it again.
- 对不起,我再也不提它了。
- 18. This dratted pen won't work.
- 这该死的笔写不出字来。
- 19. Why won't you listen to reason ?
- 你怎么就不听劝呢?
- 20. These ink stains won't wash out.
- 这些墨渍洗不掉。
- 21. We won't charge you for delivery.
- 我们送货不收费。
- 22. 'I won't go,' she said decidedly.
- “我不去。”她果断地说。
- 23. Maybe he'll come, maybe he won't.
- 他可能来,也可能不来。
- 24. This nail won't come out.
- 这颗钉子拔不出来。
- 25. That mark won't come off.
- 那污点去不掉。
- 26. Those grease stains won't wash off.
- 那些油渍洗不掉。
- 27. Moping won't do any good!
- 自怨自艾一点用处都没有!
- 28. The computer won't boot.
- 计算机无法启动。
- 29. This weather won't last.
- 这种天气持续不了多久。
- 30. This weather won't last.
- 这种天气持续不了多久。