quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- tuberculosis

[tuberculosis 词源字典] - tuberculosis: see truffle
[tuberculosis etymology, tuberculosis origin, 英语词源] - tuck

- tuck: see tug
- Tuesday

- Tuesday: [OE] Tiu was the Germanic god of war and the sky (his name came from the same source as produced Latin deus ‘god’, from which English gets deity). When the Germanic peoples took over the Roman system of naming the days of the week after the gods, they replaced the term for the second day of the week, diēs Martis ‘day of Mars, the war-god’ (source of French Mardi ‘Tuesday’) with ‘Tiu’s day’ – hence Tuesday. The Norse version of the god’s name appears in Swedish tisdag and Danish tirsdag.
=> deity - tuft

- tuft: see toff
- tug

- tug: [13] Tug goes back to a prehistoric Germanic base *teukh- ‘pull’ (source also of German ziehen ‘pull’ and English truck [14], whose original meaning was ‘pull up, gather up’). This in turn was descended from Indo-European *deuk- ‘pull’, from which English gets conduct, duke, reduce, etc.
=> conduct, duct, duke, educate, reduce, tie, tow - tulip

- tulip: [16] Tulip and turban [16] are ultimately the same word. Both come from Persian dulband, and the name was applied to the plant because of its flower’s supposed resemblance to a turban. Dulband was borrowed into Turkish as tuliband, and this made its way into English via early modern French tulipan and modern Latin tulipa, acquiring its botanical meaning along the way (relatives that preserve the link with turban slightly more closely include Swedish tulpan, Danish tulipan, Italian tulipano, and Russian tjul’pan). Meanwhile Turkish tuliband evolved to tülbend, and this passed into English via Italian turbante and French turbant as turban.
=> turban - tumble

- tumble: [13] Tumble was borrowed from Middle Low German tummelen, which has other relatives in modern German tummeln ‘bustle, hurry’ and taumeln ‘reel, stagger’. All were formed from a base that also found its way into the Romance languages, producing French tomber ‘fall’ (source of English tumbrel [14], which in Old French denoted a ‘chute’ or ‘cart that could be tipped up’) and Italian tombolare ‘tumble, turn somersaults’ (source of English tombola [19]).
The derivative tumbler [14] originally denoted an ‘acrobat’; the application to a ‘drinking glass’, which emerged in the mid 17th century, comes from the fact that such glasses were originally made with rounded bottoms, so that they could not be put down until they were empty.
=> tombola - tumour

- tumour: [16] Tumour is one of a small family of English words that go back ultimately to Latin tumēre ‘swell’. Others include contumacy, contumely, tumid ‘swollen’ [16], and tumult [15].
=> contumacy, contumely, thigh, thumb, tumid, tumult - tun

- tun: see ton
- tune

- tune: [14] Tune originated as a variant of tone, and to begin with it was used for ‘sound, tone’ (‘He told him of the death of Brunes; then were made hideous tunes of many a gentle damsel’, Troy book 1400). Very quickly, however, the sense ‘melody’ emerged (it is not present in tone), and eventually took over from ‘sound’. The derivative attune dates from the late 16th century.
=> attune, tone - tunnel

- tunnel: see ton
- turban

- turban: see tulip
- turbid

- turbid: see trouble
- turbine

- turbine: [19] Latin turbō denoted ‘whirl’, ‘whirling thing’, or ‘whirlwind’, and also ‘spinning-top’ (it was related to turba ‘disturbance, crowd’, source of English disturb, trouble, etc). From it around 1824 was coined French turbine, applied originally to a revolving wheel on an axis, driven by water-pressure. It was borrowed into English in the early 1840s.
=> disturb, trouble - turbot

- turbot: [13] The turbot is etymologically the ‘thorn-flatfish’. Its name comes via Old French turbot from Old Swedish törnbut ‘turbot’. This was a compound noun formed from törn ‘thorn’ (a relative of English thorn) and but ‘flatfish’, a borrowing from Middle Low German but which probably denoted etymologically ‘stumpy’, and also supplied the final syllable of English halibut [15]. The name presumably alludes to the bony nodules on the fish’s back.
=> halibut, thorn - turbulent

- turbulent: see trouble
- turd

- turd: [OE] Turd is an ancient word, traceable right back to Indo-European *drtom. This was formed from the base *dr-, *der- ‘flay, tear’ (source also of English tear), and so etymologically denoted that which is ‘separated’ from the body, like flayed skin, and hence ejected or excreted from the body. It passed into English via prehistoric Germanic *turdam. A distant relative is Latvian dirsti ‘defecate’.
=> tear - tureen

- tureen: [18] Tureen and terrine are ultimately the same word. Both were borrowed simultaneously from French terrine ‘deep earthenware dish’ in the early 18th century, since when in its original sense ‘dish’ it has been contorted to tureen (perhaps partly through some association with Turin) and applied specifically to a ‘soup dish’, while in the extended sense ‘paté-like dish made in a terrine’ it has remained as terrine. The French word originated as a noun use of the feminine form of Old French terrin ‘earthen’, which went back ultimately to Latin terra ‘earth’ (source of English terrace, terrain, etc).
=> terrine - turf

- turf: [OE] Turf is a general Germanic word. It goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *turb-, which also produced German torf ‘peat’, Dutch turf, Swedish torf, and Danish tørv, and was borrowed into the Romance languages, giving French tourbe, Italian torba, and Spanish turba. Its ultimate source was the Indo-European base *drbh-.
- turkey

- turkey: [16] The term turkey was originally applied to the ‘guinea-fowl’, apparently because the bird was imported into Europe from Africa by the Portuguese through Turkish territory. When the American bird we now know as the turkey was introduced to the British in the mid 16th century, it seems to have reminded them of the guinea fowl, for they transferred the guinea fowl’s name turkey to it.