quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- vernissage[vernissage 词源字典]
- "A private view of paintings before public exhibition", French, literally 'varnishing', originally referring to the day prior to an exhibition when artists were allowed to retouch and varnish hung work.[vernissage etymology, vernissage origin, 英语词源]
- verset
- "A short prelude or interlude for organ", Middle English (denoting a versicle): from Old French, diminutive of vers 'verse'.
- vol-au-vent
- "A small round case of puff pastry filled with a savoury mixture, typically of meat or fish in a richly flavoured sauce", French, literally 'flight in the wind'.
- varicoloured
- "Consisting of several different colours", Mid 17th century: from vari- + coloured.
- vari-
- "Various", From Latin varius.
- voyageur
- "(In Canada) a boatman employed by the fur companies to transport goods and passengers to and from the trading posts on the lakes and rivers", French, literally 'voyager', from voyager 'to travel'.
- virescent
- "Greenish", Early 19th century: from Latin virescent- 'turning green', inceptive of virere 'be green'.
- vitellus
- "The yolk of an egg or ovum", Early 18th century: from Latin, literally 'yolk'.
- Volans
- "An inconspicuous southern constellation (the Flying Fish), between Carina and the south celestial pole", Latin, from the former name Piscis Volans.
- vitelline
- "Relating to the yolk (or yolk sac) of an egg or embryo, or to yolk-producing organs", Late Middle English (in the sense 'coloured like egg yolk'): from medieval Latin vitellinus, from vitellus (see vitellus).
- vinaceous
- "Of the colour of red wine", Late 17th century: from Latin vinaceus (from vinum 'wine') + -ous.
- vitellin
- "The chief protein constituent of egg yolk", Mid 19th century: from vitellus + -in1.
- verd-antique
- "A green ornamental marble consisting of serpentine with calcite and dolomite", Mid 18th century: from obsolete French, literally 'antique green'.
- varix
- "A varicose vein", Late Middle English: from Latin.
- vocoder
- "A synthesizer that produces sounds from an analysis of speech input", 1930s: from voice + code + -er1.
- variegated
- "Exhibiting different colours, especially as irregular patches or streaks", Mid 17th century: from Latin variegat- 'made varied' (from the verb variegare, from varius 'diverse') + -ed2.
- videotex
- "An electronic information system such as teletext or viewdata", 1970s: from video + text.
- valvular
- "Relating to, having, or acting as a valve or valves", Late 18th century: from modern Latin valvula (diminutive of Latin valva 'leaf of a door') + -ar1.
- vermian
- "Relating to or resembling a worm; worm-like", Late 19th century: from Latin vermis 'worm' + -ian.
- vicinal
- "Neighbouring; adjacent", Early 17th century: from French, or from Latin vicinalis, from vicinus 'neighbour'.