babble (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[babble 词源字典]
mid-13c., babeln "to prattle, chatter," akin to other Western European words for stammering and prattling (cognates: Swedish babbla, Old French babillier) attested from the same era, some of which probably were borrowed from others, but etymologists cannot now determine which were original. Probably imitative of baby-talk, in any case (compare Latin babulus "babbler," Greek barbaros "non-Greek-speaking"). "No direct connexion with Babel can be traced; though association with that may have affected the senses" [OED]. Meaning "to repeat oneself incoherently, speak foolishly" is attested from c. 1400. Related: Babbled; babbler; babbling; babblement.[babble etymology, babble origin, 英语词源]
babble (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"idle talk," c. 1500, from babble (v.). In 16c., commonly in reduplicated form bibble-babble.