baskyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[bask 词源字典]
bask: [14] When English first acquired this word, probably from Old Norse bathask, it was in the sense ‘wallow in blood’: ‘seeing his brother basking in his blood’, John Lydgate, Chronicles of Troy 1430. It was not until the 17th century that the modern sense ‘lie in pleasant warmth’ became established: ‘a fool, who laid him down, and basked him in the sun’, Shakespeare, As You Like It 1600. The word retains connotations of its earliest literal sense ‘bathe’ – Old Norse bathask was the reflexive form of batha ‘bathe’.
=> bathe[bask etymology, bask origin, 英语词源]
bask (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., basken "to wallow (in blood)," with loss of middle syllable, from Old Norse baðask "to bathe oneself," reflexive of baða "bathe" (see bathe). Modern meaning "soak up a flood of warmth" is apparently due to Shakespeare's use of the word in reference to sunshine in "As You Like It" (1600). Related: Basked; basking.