muesliyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[muesli 词源字典]
muesli: [20] Etymologically, muesli means ‘little pap’. It is a Swiss-German diminutive form of German mus ‘pulp, purée’. Old English had the cognate mōs, which survived into the 16th century in the compound apple-mose ‘dish made from a purée of stewed apples’.
[muesli etymology, muesli origin, 英语词源]
muesli (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
breakfast dish of oats, fruit, milk, 1926, from Swiss-German, from Old High German muos "meal, mush-like food," from Proto-Germanic *mod-sa-, from PIE root *mad- "moist, wet," with derivatives referring to various qualities of food (see mast (n.2)).