chow meinyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[chow mein 词源字典]
chow mein: [20] Most Chinese culinary vocabulary in English arrived after World War II, but chow mein is part of an earlier influx, which was brought by Chinese-speakers who found themselves on the west coast of the USA in the early years of the 20th century. In the Cantonese (Guangdong) dialect it means literally ‘fried noodles’ – a minimalist description of a dish which usually also contains chopped meat and vegetables.
[chow mein etymology, chow mein origin, 英语词源]
mein (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"Chinese wheat flour noodles" (in lo mein, chow mein, etc.), 1934, from Chinese, literally "wheat flour."
"A type of Vietnamese soup, typically made from beef stock and spices to which noodles and thinly sliced beef or chicken are added", Vietnamese, perhaps from French feu (in pot-au-feu).