【来源及含义】Latin: merx, wares, merchandise
【同源单词】amerce, amerceable, commerce, commercial, commercialism, commercialization
词根词缀:merg-, mers-
【来源及含义】Latin: dip, dive, plunge; rise out of a liquid; combine into one
【同源单词】demersal, emerge, emerge, emergence, emergency, emergent
词根词缀:merinth-, merintho-
【来源及含义】Greek: cord, line, string
【同源单词】merinthophilia, merinthophobia
词根词缀:merit-, meri-, mere-
【来源及含义】Latin: to deserve, deserve; earn, acquire, gain; entitled to
【同源单词】demerit, emerita, emerited, emeritus, Eruditio et meritum pro omnibus, immerit
词根词缀:meso-, mes-, mesi-
【来源及含义】Greek: middle, intermediate; close to a center line; between
【同源单词】brachymesophalangia, circumesophagal, dolichoeuromesocephalus, mesencephalic, mesencephalon, mesencephalotomy
词根词缀:meta-, met-, meth-
【来源及含义】Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science]
【同源单词】acrometagenesis, allochemical metamorphism, atmometamorphism, brachymetapody, digitometatarsal, ectrometacarpia
词根词缀:metallo-, metall-
【来源及含义】Greek: mineral, metal
【同源单词】metallesthesia, metallochrome, metallograph, metallographic, metallophil, metallophilia
词根词缀:meteoro-, meteor-
【来源及含义】Greek: upraised, high up; in the air; anything raised from the ground, high, lofty; hovering in the air; hence, "heavenly body, atmospheric phenomenon"
【同源单词】agrometeorology, astrometeorology, biometeorology, hydrometeor, meteor, meteoresistant
词根词缀:meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre
【来源及含义】Greek: measure
【相关词根词缀】 Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.
【同源单词】absorptiometry, accelerometer, acetimeter, acetimetry, acidimeter, acidimetry
词根词缀:metho-, meth-
【来源及含义】a combining form meaning methyl
【同源单词】methane, methanogen, methanogenesis, methanogenic, methanol, methanolic