词根词缀:myelo-, myel-
【来源及含义】Greek: bone marrow; the spinal cord and medulla oblongata; the myelin sheath of nerve fibers
【同源单词】amyelencephalia, amyelia, amyeloneuria, amyelotrophy, multiple myeloma, myelin
【来源及含义】Greek: a fly
词根词缀:myo-, my-, myos-
【来源及含义】Greek: muscle; said to be from a Greek word meaning "mouse"
【同源单词】amyocardia, amyoplasia, amyostasia, amyosthenia, amyosthenic, amyotaxia
词根词缀:myria-, myrio-, myri-
【来源及含义】Greek: ten thousand; very numerous, countless
【相关描述】A combining form meaning "10,000", used especially, in the names of some metric units equal to 10,000 of the unit denoted by the base word; such as, myriagram; myriameter; however, it is not in official use in the International System of Units.
【同源单词】myriacanth, myriacanthous, myriachit, myriad, myriad, myriad-minded
词根词缀:myring-, myringo-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: membrane, tympanic [drum] membranes in the ears
【相关词根词缀】 Related "ear" word families: auri-; oto-; tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).
【同源单词】infectious myringitis, laser myringotomy, myringa, myringectomy, myringitis, myringodectomy
词根词缀:myrmeco-, myrmec-, myrme-, myrmic-, myrmi-
【来源及含义】Greek: ant, ants
【相关词根词缀】Another word unit that is related directly to "ants": formic-.
【同源单词】ant licking, Cyphomyrmex, Dorymyrmex pyramicus, Erebomyrma antiqua, formicine, Gesomyrmex
【来源及含义】Greek [Murmidones] > Latin: [Myrmidones, Myrmidons]
【相关描述】One of a legendary Greek warrior people of ancient Thessaly who followed their king Achilles on the expedition against Troy. Now, it means a "loyal, unquestioning follower".
词根词缀:myro-, myr-
【来源及含义】Greek: unguent, perfume
【同源单词】myropolist, myropoly, xeromyron
词根词缀:myso-, mys-
【来源及含义】Greek: uncleanness of body or mind; filth; defilement; anything disgusting
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)": agra-; agrest-; agri-; agro-; argill-; choro-; chthon-; epeiro-; geo-; glob-; lut-; pedo-; pel-; rhyp-; soil-; sord-; terr-.
【同源单词】automysophobia, mysophilia, mysophilic, mysophobia, mysophobiac, mysophobic
词根词缀:myster-, myst-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: secret, occult [probable literal meaning is "one whose eyes are closed"]
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "secret, hidden, confidential, concealed": ceal-; clandesti-; crypto-; occult-; orgy-; stego-, stegano-.
【同源单词】mystagogic, mystagogue, mystagogy, mysterious, mystery, mystic