词根词缀:sphagn-, sphagno-, sphagni-
【来源及含义】Greek: moss
【同源单词】sphagnicole, sphagnophile, sphagnophilous, sphagnous, sphagnum
词根词缀:sphec-, spheco-, sphek-, spheko-
【来源及含义】Greek: wasp, wasps
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, with: "insects, bugs, worms; invertebrates": aphidi-; api-; ascari-; culci-; Dung Beetle Survival; Dung Beetles Important; Eating Worms; entomo-; formic-; Guinea worms; helmintho-; insecto-; Insects: Importance; isopter-; larvi-; lepidopter-; meliss-; mosquito; Mosquito, other Languages; Mosquitoes, Pt. 1; Mosquitoes, Pt. 2; myrmeco-; scarab; scoleco-; taeni-; termit-; vermo-.
【同源单词】Sphecidae, Sphecius speciosis, sphecoid, spheksophobia
词根词缀:spheno-, sphen-
【来源及含义】Greek: a wedge; the sphenoid bone, a wedge-shaped bone found at the base of the skull
【同源单词】acanthosphenote, alisphenoid, orbitosphenoid, sphenography, sphenoiditis, sphenophallia
词根词缀:sphero-, spher-, -sphere-
【来源及含义】Greek: ball, round, around; globe, global; body of globular form; by extension, circular zone, circular area
【相关词根词缀】 Related ball, sphere-word units: glob-, glom-; hemoglobin-.
【同源单词】adminisphere, aerosphere, allobiosphere, anthroposphere, asphere, aspheric
词根词缀:sphinctero-, sphincter-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: that which binds tightly, press together; band, lace; hence, muscle that closes an aperture of the body; a ringlike band of muscle fibers that constricts a passage or closes a natural orifice
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.
【同源单词】blepharosphincterectomy, electromyography of pelvic floor sphincter, lissosphincter, rhabdosphincter, sphincter, sphincteralgia
词根词缀:sphygmo-, sphygm-, -sphyxia
【来源及含义】Greek: pulse, pulsation; throbbing
【同源单词】anisosphygmia, asphyxia, asphyxiant, asphyxiate, bradysphygmia, cardiosphygmograph
词根词缀:spic-, spiculi-
【来源及含义】Latin: point, sharp point, spike
【同源单词】spica, spicate, spiciferous, spiciform, spicose, spicous
词根词缀:spin-, spino-, spini-
【来源及含义】Latin: thorn, prickle; by extension, "backbone", the spinal cord
【同源单词】anospinal, anterospinal, cerebrospinal, cervicispinal, costispinal, dorsispinal
词根词缀:spiro-, spir-, spira-, spirat-, -spire, -spiring, -spiration, -spirational (breath)
【来源及含义】Latin: breath of life, breath, breathing; mind; spirit, "soul"; courage
【相关描述】Don't confuse this spiro-, with another spiro- meaning "coil, twisted".
【相关词根词缀】 Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; pneumo-; psych-.
【同源单词】antiperspirant, aquatic respiration, aspirant, aspirate, aspirate, aspiration
词根词缀:spiro-, spir-, spiri-
【来源及含义】Greek, speira > Latin, spira: coil, coiled; twisted, turning
【相关描述】The Greek speira refers to anything which is wound or wrapped around something. In the plural, speirai, it includes the twisted folds or coils of a serpent or of a net; therefore, it refers to anything which is coiled, wreathed, or twisted; such as, a coil of a snake.
Careful, there is another spiro- which means "breath of life; breathing, breath".
【相关词根词缀】There are other "coil" words at this helico- unit.
【同源单词】conchospiral, spiradenitis, spiradenoma, spiral, spiral, spiral