词根:xyl(o) = wood 木
来源于希腊语,它相应的拉丁语词根为:-ligni- 木,来源拉丁语 lignum。
1. xylophone [xylo 木,phon 声音、-e (n.) 名词后缀;“能发声的木制乐器”→]
n. 木琴
2. xylophonic [见上,-ic ...的]
3. xylograph [xylo 木,graph 写,图,像]
n. 木刻,木版印画
4. xylographer [见上,-er 人]
n. 木刻师
5. xylographic [见上,-ic ...的]
6. xylography [见上,-y 名词后缀]
7. chromoxylograph [chromo 色,xylo 木,graph 画]
8. xyloid [xyl 木,-oid 似...的]
9. xylophagous [xylo 木,phag 吃、-ous (a.) 表示“…的”]
adj. 食木的,毁木的
10. xylophagan [xylo 木,phag 吃、-an (n.) 名词后缀]
n. 蛀木虫,食木虫
11. xylose [xylo 木,-ose (n.) 化学名词后缀,表示糖]
n. 木糖
12. xylotomy [xylo 木,tomy 切,割]
n. 木材截片术
词根:xer(o) = dry 干燥
来源于希腊语,它相应的拉丁语词根为:arid 干。
1. xeric [xer 干燥,-ic ...的]
adj. 缺乏水分的,干旱的
2. xeroderma [xero 干燥,derma 皮肤]
3. xerophthalmia [xero 干燥,ophthalm 眼睛、-ia (n.) 名词后缀,表示疾病]
n. 干眼病,结膜干燥症
4. xerophyte [xero 干燥,phyte 植物]
n. 旱生植物
5. xerophilous [xero 干燥,phil 爱/喜好、-ous (a.) 表示“…的”]
adj. 喜旱的,适旱的
6. xerophobous [xero 干燥,phob 怕 → 嫌,-ous ...的]
adj. [植物]避旱的,嫌旱的
7. xerothermic [见上,-ic ...的]
adj. 干热的,适应干热环境的
8. xerosis [xer 干燥,-osis 名词后缀,表疾病]
词根:xanth, xantho = yellow 黄
来源于希腊语,它相应的拉丁语词根为:-flav- 黄,来源拉丁语 flavus。
1. xanthate [xanth 黄,-ate (n.) 化学名词后缀,表示盐类]
2. xanthic [xanth 黄,-ic ...的]
adj. 黄色的;带黄色的
3. xanthin [xanth 黄,-in (n.) 名词后缀,表示素]
n. 叶黄素,花黄素
4. xanthous [xanth 黄,-ous (a.) 表示“…的”]
adj. 黄色的,黄色人种的
5. xanthodontous [xanth 黄,odont 牙齿,-ous ...的]
6. xanthoma [xanth 黄,-oma (n.) 名词后缀,表示肿瘤]
n. 黄色瘤,黄瘤
7. xanthospermous [xanth 黄,-o-,sperm 种子,-ous ...的]
adj. [植物]有黄色种子的
8. xanthuria [xanth 黄,ur 尿,-ia 表示疾病]
9. xanthophyll [xantho 黄,phyll 叶子]
n. 叶黄素
10. xanthocarpous [xantho 黄,carp 果实,-ous ...的]
11. xanthomelanous [xanth 黄,-o-,melan 黑,-ous ...的]
12. phylloxanthin [phyll 叶,-o-,xanth 黄,-in 素]
词根词缀:xanth-, xantho-, xan-
【来源及含义】Greek: the color yellow; blond
【同源单词】anthoxanthins, axanthopsia, cryptoxanthin, idioxanthic, lipoxanthine, ooxanthine
词根词缀:xeno-, xen-, -xenic, -xenism, -xenist, -xenous, -xeny
【来源及含义】Greek: foreign, foreigner; alien; different; extraneous; strange, stranger; and by extension, guest
【相关描述】The "x" in xeno- is pronounced "z"; "zeno". Greeks are said to have considered any stranger a "guest" and modern Greek includes xenodocheion a "guest house" or "house for guests" or its modern version of "hotel".
The etymological meaning usually denotes some aspect of a relationship involving guests or visitors of some kind.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "foreign, strange" word families: allotrio-; barbar-.
【同源单词】alloxeny, autoxenous, axenic, axenous, axeny, dixenic
词根词缀:xer-, xero-, xir-
【来源及含义】Greek: dry
【相关词根词缀】Cross reference of another word family related to: "dry": arid-.
【同源单词】antixerosis, antixerotic, chronological succession, elixir, helioxerophile, helioxerophilous
词根词缀:xipho-, xiphi-, xiph-
【来源及含义】Greek: sword
【同源单词】xiphisternal, xiphisternum, xiphocostal, xiphodynia, xiphoid, xiphoid process
词根词缀:xylo-, xyl-
【来源及含义】Greek: wood; the first element of various scientific and technical words that refer to wood
【相关词根词缀】 Related "wood" word units: hylo-; ligni-.
【同源单词】aeroxyl, chiroxylography, chromoxylograph, chromoxylography, epixylous, geoxyl
词根词缀:xyro-, xyr-
【来源及含义】Greek: razor
【相关词根词缀】 Related "scrape, scratch; shave; razor" word families: rad-, ras-, raz-; xys-.
【同源单词】Xyrauchen, Xyrichthys psittacus, xyrid, Xyris, xyrophobia, xyrospasm