词根:fid (fi, fy, feder , feal) = to trust
来自拉丁语的fid意为to trust ,它的变形为fi,fy,feder,feal等。同义词根有来自拉丁语的cred和来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的tru(tro)。
(*拉丁文fidere(=to trust),fides(=faith) —— 英文根字典)
1. diffident(不相信的dif<dis(=not) + fid(=trust))
diffidence n.缺少自信;羞怯
diffidently adv. 羞怯地;缺乏自信地
The young boy's diffident manner made me want to mother him. 看到那个男孩羞怯的样子,我很想像妈妈一样照顾他。
2. fidelity(令人信赖fid(=trust))
I have seven dogs,and they show me more fidelity than any human ever did. 我养了七条狗,它们对我比任何人都忠诚。
3. perfidious(利用信任来欺骗的或者假装信任的per(=through,falsely) + fid(=trust))
perfidy n.不义,不忠,背叛
The perfidious fiend gained my confidence and then stole my wallet! 那个背信弃义的恶魔般的人在获取了我的信任后偷走了我的钱包!
4. confide
v.吐露(秘密等);托付,委托(事情、责任);信赖 *con<com(=completely)
confiding adj.易于信任别人的
5. confidence
n.(对他人的)信任,信赖;自信,确信;私房话,秘密 *con<com(=completely)
vote of (no) confidence (不)信任票
vith confidence 充满自信地
in strict confidence 绝对保密地,绝密地
confidence man 骗子
6. confident
adj.确信的;有信心的;自负的 *con<com(=completely)
confidently adv.自信地
confident smile 充满自信的微笑
7. confidential
adj.机密的,秘密的;可信的;(人)表示信任的;易于信任他人的 *con<com(=completely)
confidential documents 机密文件
strictly confidential 绝密
confidential inquiry 秘密调查
8. confidant
n.(能够敞开胸襟吐露秘密,尤其是爱情问题的)知已 *con<com(=completely)
confidante (confidant 的阴性词)
9. infidel
adj.无宗教信仰的;异教徒的 *in(=not)
infidel contempt for sacred places 异教徒对圣城的蔑视
10. infidelity
n.背信弃义;不忠;无宗教信仰 *in(=not)
conjugal infidelity 通奸
11. affidavit
n.(可采作证据的)宣誓书 *af<ad(=to)
affidavit of support 资助宣誓书
swear /make/take an affidavit 立下宣誓书
12. bona fide
adj./adv.真实的(地);真诚的(地);守信的(地) *bon(=good)
bona fides 善意;真实
bona fide buyer 有诚意的买家
bona fide student 真诚的学生
13. defy
v.挑战,挑衅,公然反抗(权威等);藐视(竞争、攻击等);使不能 *de(=away),fy<fid(=trust)
I defy you to do so. 我倒要看看你能不能这么做。
defy competition 藐视竞争
14. defiance
n.挑战;抵抗,反抗;藐视 *de(=away),fi<fid(=trust)
act in defiance of orders 无视生命而行动
set the public opinion at defiance 蔑视舆论
15. defiant
adj.挑战;反叛的 *de(=away),fi<fid(=trust)
16. affiance
v.[常用被动语态]使订婚 *af<ad(=to ,near),fi<fid(=trust)
17. fiancé
n.未婚夫 *fi<fid(=trust)
fiancée n.未婚妻
18. confederate
adj.结为同盟的,联合的;(c~)(美国南北战争时)南部联邦的 n.同盟者,同盟军;同谋
v.和...结成同盟;使联合 *con<com(=together)
confederate States of America 美国南部邦联(美国南北战争时期从合众国中分离出来的南部11个州)
19. confederacy
n.(国家、政党、人的)联合,同盟;同盟国,联邦 *con<com(=together)
Southern Confederacy 南部联邦
20. confederation
21. federal
federalism n.联邦主义(制度);(F~)联邦党的主义(主张)
federalist n.联邦主义者;(F~)联邦党党员
Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局(缩写:FBI)
Federal government 联邦(中央)政府
Federal Reserve Bank (美国)联邦储备银行
22. federation
23. federate
24. fealty
词根:fid = trust, faith, 表示“相信, 信念”
fidelity n. 坚贞;忠心(fid+elity表示性质→相信的性质→坚贞)
fiduciary a. 信用的n. 被信托者(fid+uciary…的→相信的→信托的)
confide v. 吐露;信托(con全部+fide→全部相信→吐露[真情])
confidant n. 知心朋友(cinfide吐露+ant人→可以吐露真情的人)
confidence n. 自信,信任(con+fid+ence)
confident a. 自信的(con+fid+ent)
confidential a秘密的,机密的(confident+ial→相信的人才知道→机密的)
diffident a. 自卑的,胆怯的(dif不+fid+ent→不自信)
perfidy n. 不忠实,背叛(per假+fidy→假相信→不忠诚)
perfidious a. 背信弃义的(perfidy+ous)
infidel n. 没信仰的人;异教徒(in不+fid+el→不信[宗教]的人)
affidavit n. 口供书;宣誓书(af一再+fid+avit表名词→一再发誓相信→宣誓书)
① 表示“贯穿,自始至终”
perspective 透视的(per+spect看+ive→看透了→透视的)
perennial 全年的(per+ennial年→全年的)
perspire 出汗(per+spire呼吸→全身呼吸→出汗)
permanent 永久的(per+man拿住+ent→永久拿住→永恒的)
persist 坚持(per+sist站→站到最后→坚持)
persuade 劝说(per+suade劝→一直劝→劝说)
percussion 敲打(per+cuss震+ion→震动→敲打)
perspicacious 独具慧眼的(per+spic看+acious→全部看到→独具慧眼)
pernicious 有害的,有毒的(per+nic毒+ious→有毒的)
perplexed 困惑的(per+plex重叠+ed→全部重叠在一起→困惑了)
perforate 打洞(per+forate打孔→打孔穿过→打洞)
permeate 渗透(per+me走+ate→走过去→渗透过去)
② 表示“假,坏”
perfidy 不忠,背叛(per+fid相信+y→假相信→不忠诚)
perjury 伪证,假誓(per+jur发誓+y→假发誓;参考:jury陪审团)
perfunctory 草率的(per+funct作用+ory→没起好作用→草率的)
perpetrate 做坏事;犯罪(per+petr=patr父亲+ate→以父亲式态度对待别人→专横,做坏事)
pervert 堕落,滥用(per+vert转→转向坏→堕落)
词根词缀:-tron, -tronic, -tronics
【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument; more generally, used in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments
【相关描述】A possible allusion to the Greek instrumental suffix, as in árotron, "plow" as spelled in the U.S. or "plough", as spelled by the British; from the Greek stem aroun, "to plow".
The suffix -tron is the result of the combining form extracted from electron, used with nouns or combining forms, principally in the names of electron tubes (ignitron; klystron; magnetron) and of devices for accelerating subatomic particles (cosmotron; cyclotron); also, more generally, in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments (biotron).
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "electricity": electro-; galvano-; hodo-; ion-; piezo-; volt; biomechatronics, info; mechatronics, info. Related topics about "technology": Biometrics: Index; Biomimetics: Index; Biopiracy; Emerging Technologies; Geographic Information System (GIS): Index; Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS); Global Positioning System (GPS); Information Tech; Mechatronics; Nanotechnology; RFID; Robotics; Technological Breakthroughs; Technological Innovations; WAAS; Wireless Communications.
【同源单词】acoustoelectronics, alabastron, animatronics, astronomical spectrograph, betatron, bevatron