词根词缀:astro-, astr-
【来源及含义】Greek: star, stars, star shaped; also pertaining to outer space
【同源单词】apastron, archaeoastronomer, archaeoastronomy, astro-alchemist, astrobiology, astroblast
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: a suffix; one who believes in; one who is engaged in; someone who does something
【同源单词】abiogenist, abolitionist, abortionist, abrakophile, absolutist, absurdist
词根词缀:physic-, physico-, physi-, physio-, phy-
【来源及含义】Greek: nature, natural, inborn [to make grow, to produce]
【同源单词】abiophysiology, adenohypophysis, adenohypophysitis, aerophysics, aesthophysiology, anapophysis