词根:flagr, flam = to burn(燃烧), flame(火焰)
词根flam来源于拉丁语的flamma 意为flame,词根flagr来源于拉丁语的flagrare 意为 to burn。 同义词根有来自拉丁语的arid,caust/caut,torr,来自希腊语的ether,以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的burn/bran。
1. conflagration(彻底地燃烧con<com(=throughly,intensive) + flagr(=burn))
A devastating conflagration destroyed thousands of acres of forest. 一场毁灭性的火灾烧毁了数千英亩森林。
2. inflammable(在某物上面燃烧的 in(=on) + flam(=burn))
inflame v.点火;激怒;使发炎
inflammation n.发炎;点火
inflammatory adj.激动的;发炎的
inflammable children's clothes have been outlawed for sale in American. 在美国,出售易燃性儿童服装是违法的。
3. flagrant
flagrant offenses /sinners 凶恶的罪行/罪犯
4. flambeau
n.火把,装饰用的大烛台 *beau(=pretty)
5. flamboyant
adj.绚烂的,华丽的,艳丽的;炫耀的 *boy(=float) 《古代法文 flambe = to flame(燃烧)》
flamboyance n.绚烂,艳丽
6. flamingo
7. flame
in flames 燃烧着
flame projector /thrower 火焰喷射器
the flames of sunset 落日的余晖
flame of anger /indignation /enthusiasm 怒火/愤怒/如火的热情
old flame 旧情人
The hill flames with azaleas. 杜鹃花映红了山。
hillsides flaming with the colors of fall 被秋色染红的山坡
His anger flamed out. 他怒火冲天。
8. flaming
flaming sun 灼人的太阳
You flaming idiot! 你这个大笨蛋!
9. effulgent
adj.灿烂的;光辉的(发出光亮)《ef- = ex- = out》
【来源及含义】Latin: to swim, swimming; floating
【相关词根词缀】Word families with similar applications about: "swim, swimming": necto-; neusto; pleo-.
【同源单词】circumnatant, contranatant, denatant, enatant, innatant, natant
词根词缀:neusto-, neust-, -neuston, -neustonic
【来源及含义】Greek: swim, float
【相关词根词缀】Word families with similar applications about: "swim, swimming": nata-; necto-; pleo-.
【同源单词】anemoneuston, bacterioneuston, epineuston, hyponeuston, ichthyoneuston, neuston
词根词缀:pleio-, plei-, pleo-, pleon-, plio-
【来源及含义】Greek: more, most; full; excessive; multiple
【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with another pleo- unit meaning "swim, sail, float".
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.
【同源单词】pathopleiosis, pleiobar, pleiochloruria, pleiocyclic, pleiomastia, pleiomazia
词根词缀:pleo-, plos-, ploto-, plot-, pluteus-
【来源及含义】Greek: swim, swimming, swimmer; sail, sailor; float, floating
【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with another pleo- unit meaning "more, most; full; excessive; multiple".
【相关词根词缀】Word families with similar applications about: "swim, swimming": nata-; necto-; neusto.
【同源单词】acroplotos, pleon, pleopod, pleopoda, pleopodite, plotikos
词根词缀:pleusto-, pleust-
【来源及含义】Greek: to sail, to float; flow
【同源单词】acropleustophytic, benthopleustophyte, benthopleustophytic, epipleuston, epipleustonic, phytopleuston