词根:par(pair, per, pir, peer) = equal平等, 相等, 准备
来源于拉丁语 par(=to arrange,to appear,to produce,equal) 意为“相等的,平等的”,pair,per,pir,peer这四个词根是词根par的变形。词根par的同义词根有来源于拉丁语的词根equ,同形异义词根有来源于拉丁语 parere 的词根par,意思是“生 ,生育,显示,出现”。
1. apparel [靠近排列ap<ad(=to, near)+par(=arrange)]
n. 衣着;服饰
vt. 给…穿衣
ex) My teacher told me that shorts aren't appropriate apparel for class. 老师告诉我穿短裤来上课不合适。
2. imperative [在里面排列、整理的im<in(=in, intensive)+per<par(=arrange)]
adj. 必需的;紧急的;必须服从的,强制的;命令式的
n. 命令
ex) It's imperative to remove your shoes once you enter the temple. 进入寺院时你必须脱掉鞋子。
3. imperious [在里面排列或整理的im<in(=in,intensive)+per<par(=arrange)]
adj. 飞扬跋扈的,傲慢的,专横的;紧急的;迫切的
ex) She's an imperious little tot, always bossing around her young cousins. 她是一个专横的小女孩,经常对她的堂弟妹颐指气使。
4. irreparable [无法重新整顿或安排的ir<in(=not)+re(=again)+par(=arrange)]
adj. 无法修补的;无法挽回的
ex) A broken teacup is irreparable,no matter what the glue package says. 无论胶水的外包装上怎么写,摔碎的茶杯都是无法修补的。
5. apparition [出现在附近ap<ad(=to, near)+par(=appear)]
n. 幽灵,鬼怪;幻影;特异景象
She claims to see apparitions in the graveyard at night. 她坚持说晚上在墓地看到幽灵。
6. transparent [通过某种东西出现、显示到另一边的trans( =through,across)+par( =appear)]
adj. 透明的;清澈的;明了的,明白的
transparency/transparence n. 透明(性);幻灯片
ex) The transparent turquoise waters of the Caribbean are spectacular. 加勒比海透明的蓝绿色海水非常壮观。
7. disparage [认为某人和自己不平等dis(=not)+par(=equal)]
vt. 轻视,藐视;中伤,诽谤;贬低
disparagement n. 轾视;诽谤
disparagingly adv. 轻视地
ex) Insecure people often disparage the achievements of others. 不安的人总是会贬低别人的成绩。
8. disparity [不同等dis(=not)+par(=equal)]
n. 不同,不等
ex) The disparity between rich and poor in Venezuela is startling.委内瑞拉的贫富差距令人吃惊。
9. impair[使与以前不一样im<in(=not)+pair<par(=equal)]
vt. 损伤:削弱
impairment n. 损害,损伤
ex) Alcohol had so impaired his faculties that he was unable to drive. 酒精极大地损伤了他的机能,以至于他开不了车了。
10. apparatus
n. (一套)装置,设备;器械,器具;(身体的)器官;(政党或地下活动的)机构 *ap<ad(=near), par(=arrange)
heating apparatus 暖气
chemical apparatus 化学器械
electric apparatus 电器设备
digestive apparatus 消化器官
bureaucratic apparatus 官僚机构
espionage apparatus 间谍机构
11. empire
n. 帝国 *em<en(=intensive), pir<par(=arrange)
emperor n. 皇帝
empress n. 皇后;女皇
the Roman Empire 罗马帝国
the British Empire 大英帝国
Empire City 帝国城,纽约市的别名
Empire State 帝国州,纽约州的别名
Empire State Building 纽约帝国大厦(102层,381米.1931年竣工,1950年在大楼项部修建高67.7米的电视塔)
12. imperial
adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;宏大的;专横的 *im<in(=intensive), per<par(=arrange)
Imperial City 帝都,罗马的别名
ex) His Imperial Majesty 陛下
imperiai president 专横的总统
13. imperialism
n.帝国主义:(领土)扩张主义 *im<in(=intensive), per<par(=arrange)
imperiatist n. 帝国主义者
imperialistic adj. 帝国主义的
14. parade
n. 阅兵,阅兵式;行列;游行;炫耀
v.(列队)行进;炫耀,夸耀 *par(=arrange)
hold a parade 举行阅兵式
march in parade 列队行进
political parade 政治性游行
be on paracte 在游行
parade ground 阅兵场
make a parade of one's virtues 夸耀自己的优点
parade one's abilities 炫耀自己的能力
15. pare
v. 削(水果等的)皮;修剪(指甲等);修掉(边、角等);消减 *par(=arrange)
parings n. 削下、刺下的东西
pare one's naics 剪指甲
16. prepare
v. 准备 *pre(=before),par(=arrange)
preparedness 准备
be prepared to 准备好做…
17. preparation
n. 准备,预备;(药品的)调制,配制;配制好的东西 pre(=before), par(=arrange) *par ( = arrange)
preparations for war 战备
make preparations for a voyage 准备航海
pharmaceutical preparation 药物制剂
18. preparatory
adj. 准备的,预备的 *pre(=before), par(=arrange)
preparatory school 预备学校,预科
19. repair
v. 修理;修补风修补 *re(=again), pair<par(=arrange)
repairable adj. 可修理的
repairer n. 修理工
20. reparable
adj. (损失等)可补偿的;可修缮的 *re(=again), par(=arrange)
21. reparation
n. 补偿;赔偿;(pl.)(战败国的)赔款 *re(=again), par(=arrange)
22. separate
v. 分离,分开;分散 adj. 分离的,分开的;单独的; n. 不是成套的女装 *se(=away), par(=arrange)
separately adv. 个别地
separator n. (牛奶的)脱脂器
separatist n. (政治上或宗教上的)分离主义者
23. separation
n. 分离:脱离;[律](夫妇)分居 *se(=apart,away),par(=arrange)
separation of powers 分权
judicial separation (法庭判决的)夫妇分居
atter a separation of five years 分离五年后
24. separable
adj.可分离的 *se(= apart.away)
25. apparent
adj. 明显的;明白的;外观的,表面的 *ap<ad(=near), par(=appear)
apparently adv. 明白地:外观上地,表面上地
ex) in spite of her apparent indifference 尽管她表面上冷淡
26. appearance
n. 出现;外观,外表,外貌 *ap<ad(=near),pear<par(=appear)
appear v. 出现.(演员、歌手、讲演者等)露面
make an appearance 演出,露面
to/ by all appearance(s) 从外表看
27. compare
v. 比较,对照;比喻作;(可)与…相比;匹敌 *com(=together), par(=equal)
28. comparison
n. 比较,时照;匹敌;比喻 *com(=together),par(=equal)
29. comparable
adj. 可匹敌的;可比较的 *com(=together),par(=equal)
ex) His achievements are comparable with the best. 他可以同成就最高的人相匹敌。
30. comparative
adj. 比较的;[语]比较级的
comparatively adv. 比较地;有点 *com(=together), par(=equal)
comparative literature 比较文学
comparative religion 比较宗教
comparative politics 比较政治学
31. compeer
n. 地位相等的人;同伴 *com(=together),peer<par(=equal)
35. disparate
adj. (质、量等)无法比较的,根本不同的,(pl.)无法比较的事物 *dis(=not)
36. pair
n. 一对,一双,一副;一对(夫妻、情侣、舞伴等) v. 成双,成对 *pair<par(=equal)
the happy pair 幸福的一对
in pairs 成双地,成对地
37. par
n. 同等;平价;票面价值;平均,标准
nominal par 票面价值
issue par 发行价格
above/below par 高于/低于票面价值
on a par with 争…不相上下
par of exchange 外汇平价
38. parity
n. 同等,平等,同位;平价 *par(=equal)
parity of exchange 外汇平价
39. peer
n. 同辈;(社会地位或能力)同等的(或可以匹敌的)人;(英国的)贵族 v. 凝视,盯着看 *peer<par(=equal)
peeress n. 女贵族
peerage n. [总称]贵族;贵族头衔;贵族名册
be raised to the peerage 晋升为贵族
40. peerless
adj. 无可匹敌的 *peer<par(=equal),less(=without)
41. umpire
n. 仲裁;(比赛的)裁判员 v. 仲裁;裁判 *um<un(=not),pir<par(=equal)
act as umpire 担任裁判
umpire a cricket match 担任板球比赛的裁判
42. vampire
n.吸血鬼;吸血蝙蝠;高利贷者 *vamp(=temptress),pir<par(=equal)
43. oviparous
adj. (鸟、鱼、爬虫类)卵生的 *ovi(=egg),par(=produce)
44. parental
adj. 父母亲的 *par(=produce)
parents n. 双亲,父母
parentage n. 父母的身份
parental authority 亲权
parental anxieties 父母的担忧
parental care 父母的熙顾
45. parricide
n. 杀父母;杀父(或母)的人 *par(=produce), cid(=kill)
46. parturition
n. 分娩,生产 *par(=produce)
47. viviparous
adj. 胎生的 *viv(=Iife),par(=produce)
词根:col(cul) = neck(脖子)
词根col 来自拉丁语的col 意为neck。另外,col 还有to filter,large intestine,to fill,glue 等含义。cul 是它的变形。
1. accolade(挂丰脖子附近ac<ad(=to ,near) + col(=neck))
n.称赞;赞赏;(the ~) 骑士爵位的授予典礼
The poet received a prestigious accolade from the Literary Society. 那位诗人得了文学协会的极高赞誉。
2. collar
n.领子;(狗、马等的)项圈;(连接两个管子、连杆别车轴等的)箍 *col(=neck)
blue/white collar workers 蓝领/白领工作者
collar stud 领扣
collar bone 锁骨
3. decollation
n.断头 *de(=down) ,col(=neck)
4. décolleté
adj. <法>(衣服)低颈露肩的 *de(=down,away),col(=neck)
5. percolate
v.过滤;(使)渗出;(使)浸透 *per(=through),col(=filter)
percolator n.(带有过滤器的)过滤式咖啡壶
Water percolates through sand.水从沙子里渗出来。
I make coffee by percolating boiling water through ground coffee. 我用沸水滤过咖啡粉的方法煮咖啡。
6. colander
7. culvert
n.阴沟;地下电缆管道 *cul<col(=filter)
8. colon
n.结肠 *col(=large intestine)
colon cleanse 肠清洗剂
9. colic
n.(无腹泻的剧烈的)腹痛 *col(=large intestine)
10. colitis
n.大肠炎 *col(=large intestine),itis(=inflammation)
11. colony
n.殖民地;侨民;群体;[生]群落 *col(=till)
colonist n.殖民地开拓者
the South Korean colony in New York 纽约的韩国侨民
a colony of artists 一群美术家
a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁
12. colonial
adj.殖民地的 n.殖民地居民(尤其指开拓者的子孙)*col(=till)
colonialism n.殖民政策;殖民主义
colonialist n.殖民主义者;殖民政策的支持者
13. colonize
v.开拓殖民地 *col(=till)
colonization n.殖民
colonizer n.殖民地开拓者
14. neocolonialism
n.新殖民主义 *neo(=new),col(=till)
15. cultivate
v.耕种(土地),耕作;栽培;培养 *cul<col(=till)
cultivated adj.有教养的
16. cultivation
n.耕作;栽培;培养;修养 *cul<col(=till)
cultivator n.耕作者,耕耘者,栽培者
cultivation of the soil 耕种土地
17. culture
v. 培养(细菌等);栽培,耕作 *cul<col(=till)
cultured adj.(人)有教养的,有修养的;(兴趣、爱好等)高雅的
cultural adj.文化的;教养的
a man of culture 有修养的人
culture of the mind 心性修养
culture of cotton 棉花栽培
silk culture 养蚕
culture of cholera germs 霍乱菌的培养
cultured pearl 养殖珍珠
18. collage
19. protocol
n.(条约等的)草案;议定书;(外交)礼节 *proto(=first),col(=glue)
词根词缀:agglutino-, aggluto-, agglutin-
【来源及含义】Latin: ad-, "to, toward, near" plus gluten, glutinis, "glue, beeswax"
【同源单词】agglutinable, agglutinant, agglutinate, agglutination, agglutinative, agglutingen
词根词缀:-cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous
【来源及含义】Latin: to inhabit; to live in, to live on, to live among; to dwell; living among, dwelling in; occurring on, occurring in
【相关描述】Suffixes that refer to the location or an area of growth. Used primarily in botanical and biological terminology to indicate a plant or an organism that is characterized by a habitat or place of existence as indicated by the combining root.
The suffix -cole is derived from Latin colere, "to inhabit, to dwell, to live".
Don't confuse this -cole, -cola , "inhabit, live in, dwelling in" unit with the following cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【相关词根词缀】 Related life, live-word units: anima-; bio-; vita-; viva-.
【同源单词】acarocola, acarocole, acarocoline, acarocolous, acrodendrocola, acrodendrocole
词根词缀:cole-, coleo-
【来源及含义】Greek: sheath, scabbard; in medicine, a combining form that means "sheath" or "vagina"
【相关描述】Don't confuse this cole-, "sheath, vagina" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】coleitis, coleocele, coleocystitis, Coleoptera, coleopterophilous, coleoptosis
词根词缀:coll-, col-
【来源及含义】Latin: neck
【相关描述】Don't confuse this coll-,col-, "neck" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; esophag-; guttur-; laryng-; nuch-; trachel-.
【同源单词】accolade, collar, collar, collarbone, collar-crown, decollate
词根词缀:collo-, coll-, colla-
【来源及含义】Greek: glue
【相关描述】Don't confuse this collo, coll-, "glue" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】collagen, collagenase, collaplankton, collenchyma, colloblast, collodion
词根词缀:colloido-, colloid-
【来源及含义】Greek: glue; used in the sense of "pertaining to a colloid, a gelatinous [gluelike] substance in which particle matter is suspended"
【同源单词】colloidoclasia, colloidogen, colloids
词根词缀:colo-, col-
【来源及含义】Greek: kolo- > Latin: colo-, colon or large intestine [that part which extends from the cecum to the rectum]
【相关描述】Don't confuse this colo-, col-, "colon, large intestine" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.
【同源单词】colocecostomy, colocentesis, colocutaneous, colodyspepsia, coloenteritis, colometrometer
词根词缀:colon-, -coln
【来源及含义】Latin: estate, farm, settlement
【相关描述】Don't confuse this colon-, -coln, "estate, farm" unit with the following -cole, -cola, -coles (living among, dwelling in); cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); and colo-, col- (colon, large intestine) units.
【同源单词】colonial, colonist, colonists, colonization, colonize, colony