词根:grad, gress(gred) = to go, to walk(走)
grad和gress 为同源异形根,grad来自拉丁动词gradi 意为to go,to walk(走),step(步)或来自拉丁名词gradus,意为step(步);gress来自gradi的动名词词干,意思跟词根grad一样。它们的变形为gred。同义词根有来自拉丁
语的ced/cess(cead,ceas),it,vad/vas 和来自希腊语的bat(bet,bit)以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的fare。
1. degrade(使向下走 de(=down) + grad (=go))
degradation n.降级;堕落
The financial scandal degraded the bank officers involved. 卷入此次金融丑闻的银行官员们都被降了级。
2. ingredient(进入某物内部 in(=in,into) + gred<grad(=go,step))
Delicious homemade ice cream can be made with a few simple ingredients. 用几样简单的材料就能做出美味的家庭自制冰淇淋。
3. digress(分开走di<dis(=apart) + gress(=go,step))
vi. from + sth (话、文章等)离题;走向贫道
digression n.离题,脱轨
Tell me what happened,and don't digress the way you usually do. 告诉我发生什么事了,别像你平时那样说跑题了。
4. transgress(超过去trans(=over,across) + gress(=go))
transgression n.违反,违法,(宗教、道德上的)罪
transgressor n.违反者,罪人
It's not my habit to transgress the law,but i do smoke marijuana now and then. 我不是违法成性,不过我确实偶尔会吸大麻。
5. centigrad
adj.(温度计上)百分度的;摄氏的 *cent(=hundred)
centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计
thirty degrees centigrade 30摄氏度
cf.Fahrenheit 华氏(温度计)
6. gradation
gradation of color in the rainbow 彩虹色彩的逐渐变化
7. grade
n.等级;程度;(中、小学的)年级;成绩,分数;倾斜(度) v.分等级;给(答案等)评分;把(路面等)筑平
grademark n.货品质量等级标记
grader n. ...年级学生
a seventh grader 七年级学生
Grade A 最高级的,一流的
grade school 小学
grade teacher 小学教师
tenth grade 十年级
Grade Point Average (缩写:GPA)年级平均成绩,平均积分点
graded by size 根据大小分等级
8. gradient
steep gradient 陡坡
9. gradual
gradually adv.渐渐地,逐渐地
gradualism n.渐进主义
10. graduate
n.毕业生;学位获得者 adj.有学位的;毕业的;研究生的
graduation n.毕业,授予学位;毕业典礼
high school graduates 高中毕业生
graduate school 研究生院
Graduate Record Examination (缩写:GRE)美国研究生入党资格考试
graduate student 研究生
graduated ruler 标有刻度的尺子
graduated deterrence (使用战略核武器的)渐进威慑
graduated taxation 累进税
11. postgraduate
adj.大学毕业后的;研究生的 n.研究生 *post(=after)
postgraduate school <英>研究生院
postgraduate student<英>研究生
12. undergraduate
n.大学生(还未毕业的在校生) adj.大学生的
undergraduate work/studies 大学生的学业
in my undergraduate days 我上大学的时候
13. retrograde
adj.后退的,退步的;恶化的,退化的;逆行的 v.倒退;退步,恶化 *retro(=backward)
retrograde motion 逆行
retrograde plolicy 倒退的政策
retrograde cancer 退行性癌症
in a retrograde order 倒序
14. upgrade
v.使升级,提升;提高(产品)质量 n.增加,提高,上升;上坡
on the upgrade 改善的,上升的
15. aggression
n.侵略 *ag,ad(=to ,toward)
war of aggression 侵略战争
16. aggressive
adj.侵略性的;挑衅的,有进取心的 *ag<ad(=to,toward)
aggressor n.侵略者,侵略国
aggressively adv.侵略地,挑衅地
aggressive man 积极进取的人
aggressive weapons 进攻性武器
a man with an aggressive disposition 一个好斗的人
17. congress
n.代表大会;(C~)<美>国会(由the House of Representatives (众议院)和the Senate (参议院)构成)*con<com(=together)
Congressman <美>国会议员(尤其指议员)
Congresswoman <美>国会女议员
the Library of Congress <美>国会图书馆
the Congress of industrial organizations 产业工会联合会(缩写:CIO,1955年与AFL(the American Federation of Labor 美国劳工联合会)合并后改称为AFL-CIO,即美国劳联——产联)
18. congressional
adj.议会的;(C~)美国国会的 *con<com(=together)
congressional debates 国会辩论记录文件
Congressional district <美>国会选区
Congressional Record <美>国会议事录
19. egress
n.外出;出路 *e<ex(=out)
20. ingress
n.进入;入口;准许进入;入境 *in(=into)
means of ingress 入口
21. progress
n.前进,进步;进展,发展;(帝王等的)巡行,巡游 *pro(=forward)
The Pilgrim's Progress 《天路历程》(1678年英国作家John Bunyan (约翰.班杨)的作品
in progress 进行中
make progress 前进;进步
22. progression
n.进步,进展;前进,进行;[数]级数 *pro(=forward)
in geometrical progression 以几何级数
23. progressive
adj.(不断地)前进的,进步的;渐进的,累进的;[美史](P ~)进步党的 n.进步政策支持者;(P~)进步党党员 *pro(=forward)
progressivism n.进步主义,革新论
progressively adv.进步地
make a progressive advance 进步
progressive taxation 累进税制
24. regress
v.回归;逆行;退回 *re(=back)
regression n.回归;逆行;退回
25. regressive
adj.后退的,退化的;回归的 *re(=back)
26. retrogress
v.后退,退化 *retro(=backward)
27. retrogression
n.后退,退化 *retro(=backward)
retrogressive adj.后退的,退化的
28. gravigrade
adj.走路时步伐很重要的(走路很重)《gravi = heavy》
29. digress
v.离题(离去)《di- = apart》
digressive adj.离题的;技节的
词根:fus, fut, fund, found = to pour
来自拉丁语的fus,fut,fund,found意为 to pour。同义词根为chem。
(*拉丁文fundere(=to pour),过去分词为fusus——英文字根字典)
1. profuse(向前倾泻、倾到的pro(=forth) + fus(=pour))
profusion n.丰富;慷慨;浪费,奢侈
profusely adv.毫不吝惜地;丰富地
The profuse stand of douglas fir trees perfumes the air with pine scent.茂密的花旗松的松香弥漫在周围的空气中。
2. affusive(向外倾泻的ef<ex(=out) + fus(=pour))
effuse v.使流出;流露
effusion n.流出;流露
effusively adv.过分热情地
I find effusive praise embarrassing,but i do appreciate it all the same.虽然过分热情的称赞会让我有些不知所措,但我仍然对此表示真心感谢。
3. irrefutable(不能往回倒的ir<in(=not) + re(=back) + fut(=pour))
I attended a seminar on the "irrefutable Laws of Leadership".我参加了一个有关“无可辩驳的领导法则”的研讨会。
4. confuse
v.搞乱,使混乱;使糊涂 *con<com(=together)
confusing adj.令人困惑的
confusedly adv.困惑地;混乱地
I got confused.我困惑了。
5. confusion
n.混乱;糊涂 *con<com(=together)
confusion! 混乱!
confusion worse confounded 乱上加乱
in the confusion of the moment 在片刻的混乱中
6. defuse
v.拆去(炮弹等的)引信,使失去爆炸性;使镇定,缓和 *de(=reverse the action of )
defuse a situation/crisis使用情况缓和/平息危机
7. diffuse
adj.冗长的;扩散的 *dif<dis(=away,apart)
diffusion n.散布;普及,传播;扩散
8. infuse
v.注入(思想、活力等);泡(茶、药等);鼓舞 *in(=in)
infuse soldiers with fresh courege 让士兵们鼓足勇气
infuse herbs 泡药草
infusion n.灌,注入;鼓舞;泡制;注入物 *in(=in)
9. refuse
v.拒绝;不肯;不愿 n.废物,垃圾 adj.废物的,扔掉的 *re(=back)
refuse dump (垃圾回收处)
refuse consumer 垃圾焚烧器
refuse collector 垃圾工人
10. refusal
n.拒绝;推辞;(pl.)优先取舍权,优先购买权 *re(=back)
give her a flat refusal 断然地拒绝地
11. suffuse
v.遍布;(液体、色彩等)充满 *suf<sub(=under)
suffusion n.充溢,布满;(脸上的)红晕
eyes suffused with tears泪汪汪的眼睛
12. transfuse
v.[医]输血,注射(生理盐水等);使(液体、色彩等)渗入;灌输(思想等);倾注 *trans(=throught)
transfusion n.倾注;输血 *trans(=through)
13. fuse
The light has fused.保险丝烧断了,灯不亮了。
time fuse 定时导火索
fuse wire 保险丝,熔丝
fusion n.熔解;(政党等的)联合,合作;(核)聚变
14. refund
v.归还;偿还 n.返还;偿还(金)*re(=back)
refund the cost of postage 归还邮费
obtain a refund of a deposit 得到返还押金
15. confound
v.混淆;使混乱;挫败 *con<com(together)
confound right and wrong 混淆了对与错
Don't confound the means with the ends.不要混淆手段和目的。
16. confounded
adj.狼狈的;困惑的;<口>讨厌的;无理的 *con<com(=together)
confoundedly adv.非常地
confoundedly hot 非常热
confounded lie无理的谎言
You're a confounded nuisance!你真是个让人讨厌的家伙!
17. foundry
type foundry 活字铸造厂
18. confute
v.驳倒 *con<com(=intensive)
confutation n.驳斥,驳倒
19. refute
v.驳斥,反驳 *re(=back)
refutation n.驳斥,反驳
refutable 可以驳斥的
refute an argument /an opponent 驳斥一个论点/对手
20. futile
futility n. 无用,无益;无益的事
the futility of life 人生的无用
futile attempt 徒劳的尝试
21. perfuse
v.使充满;撒满;洒遍(完全注入)《per- =thoroughly》
22. circumfuse
v.散布;围绕;充溢(注入四周)《circum- = around》
circumfusion n.周围浇灌
词根:not = to know, to mark
来源于拉丁语的not 意为to know。同义词根有来自拉丁语的gno,scl。
(*拉丁文notare (to mark),nota(= mark)——英文字根字典)
1. notorious adj.声名狼籍的,臭名昭著的(广为人知的not(=knwo))
notoriety n.恶名
His daughter is notorious for shoplifting and petty thievery.他的女儿因从商店偷东西等小偷小摸臭名昭著。
2. notale adj.值得注意的;显著的;著名的 n.显要人物,名人(可以知道not(=know))
notability n.显著;显要人物
notably adv.显著地,明显地
Your grandfather was one of the most notable citizens of this town.你的祖父曾是这个镇上最出名的人之一。
3. nota bene imper.留心,注意(缩写;N.B)*bene (=good)
4. notary n.公证人
notarize v.(公证人)对...公证
notary office 公证事务所
5. notation n.(表示数、量等的)符号,记号;(乐潜的)标记法
6. note n.留言,备忘录;笔记;(外交)照会;简短的信;注解,注释;注明;票据;纸币;音符;(钢琴的)键;记号,符号;语调
noteworthy adj.值得注意的;显著的
take motes of 记录,做笔记
He noted down the main points of the lecture.他把演讲的要点记录下来;
Please note my words.请注意我的话。
I noted her eyes filling with tears.我注意到她眼中充满泪水。
7. noted n.著名的
town noted for its pottery/as a health resort 以陶器/疗养地而闻名的城市
8. notice n.通知,布告,告示;警告;注意;(报刊上对图书、戏剧、电影等的)简介;短评 v.注意,留意;通知,通告;短评(图书、戏剧、电影等)
noticeable adj.显而易见的;值得注意的
put up a notice贴告示;send a notice 下通知;leave without notice 没有预先通知(无端)地离开
9. notify v.通知,通报,报告 *ify (=make)
notification n.通知,报告;通知书
notifiable adj.必须报告卫生当局的
We have been notified that ~ 我们收到了...通知;notify the police of a loss将失窃一事报警
10. notion n.概念;观念,想法,意见;(pl.)小日用品(如针、线、丝带、纽扣等)
notional (知识等)纯理论的;概念的
common notion 一般概念;have no notion of what he means完全搞不懂他是什么意思
11. annotate v.(给...)加注解 *an<ad(=to ,add)
annotation n.注释,注解
annotated edition/text注释版/有注释的课文
12. connote v.意味着;暗示 *con<com(=with)
connotation n.隐含意义
The word "Tropics" means the area between about 23N and 23S;it connotes heat.热带指的是北纬23度和南纬23度之间的区域,这意味着那个地区很热。
13. denote v.表示;意味着 *de(= down,away)
denotation n.表示;意义;名称;符号
【来源及含义】Greek: stormy wind, whirlwind; from Greek mythology, Aëllo, a harpy; whose name literally means, "Stormswift"
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aeolo-; aero-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.
【同源单词】Aello, aelophile, aelophilous, aelophily, aeolation, aeolian deposit
【来源及含义】Latin: seaweed
【相关描述】Don't confuse this Latin element with the Greek element alg-, algo- which means "pain".
【同源单词】aerohygrocola, alga, algicide, algin, alginate, alginic acid
词根词缀:algo-, alg-
【来源及含义】Greek: pain
【相关描述】Don't confuse these Greek algo-, alg- words with other words that come from the Latin element, alg-, which means "sea weed".
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "pain, hurt; suffering, injury" word families: -agra; algesi-; angina-; dolor-; Masochism; noci-; odyno-; poen-; pono- (toil, work; pain); Sadism.
【同源单词】algesidystrophy, algiovascular, algodystrophy, algogenesia, algogenesis, algogenic
【来源及含义】Latin: before; used as a prefix
【相关描述】Don't confuse this anti- ("before") with the anti- which means "against, opposed to".
【相关词根词缀】 Related before-word units: ante-; antero-; pre-; pro-.
【同源单词】anticipant, anticipatable, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, anticus
词根词缀:anti-, ant-
【来源及含义】Greek: against, opposed to, preventive; used as a prefix
【相关描述】Don't confuse this anti- ("against, preventive") with the anti- which means "before".
【同源单词】anecdote, antacid, antagonism, antagonistic symbiosis, antagonize, Antarctic
词根词缀:astrapo-, astrap-
【来源及含义】Greek: lightning; the Greek verb strapto means "to hurl"
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "lightning and/or thunder": bronto-; cerauno-, kerauno-; fulgur-; tonitro-, tonitru-.
【同源单词】astraphobia, astraphobiac, astrapomancy, astrapomania, astrapomaniac, Astrapotherium magnum
词根词缀:auri-, auriculo-, auricul-, auro-, aur-
【来源及含义】Latin: ear
【相关描述】Don't confuse this word family with another auri- unit which means "gold".
【相关词根词缀】 Related "ear" word families: myring-; oto-; tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).
【同源单词】aural, auricle, auricula, auricular, auriculare, auricularly