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词根:phras, pha, phe, phu = to say, to speek

  来自希腊语的phras 意为to say,to speek,具有相同含义的还有来自希腊语的pha,phe,phu。同义词根有来自拉丁语的dic/dict,fa/fam/fess,locut/loqu,nounc/nunci,or,parl等。


1. paraphrase (向旁边说 para(=beside) + phras(=say))
  You should footnote the original source even when you paraphrase a passage. 即使是解释某一段文章,也应该加上脚注,标明出处。

2. phrase

3. phrasing

4. aphasia
  n.失语症 *a<an(=not,without)

5. blaspheme
  v. 口出恶性言,辱骂;亵渎 *blas (=fult)
  blaspheme the name of God 亵渎上帝之名

6. blasphemous
  adj.不敬的,亵渎的 *blas(=fault)

7. blasphemy
  n.对神的不敬,亵渎;侮慢的言行 *blas (fault)

8. emphatic
  adj.加强语气的;强调的;明确的;肯定的 *em<en(=intensive)
  emphasis n.强调
  emphatic gesture/opinion 坚决的姿态/意见
  emphatic person 语气强烈的人
  emphatic denial 断然的否定

9. euphemism
  n.委婉语;委婉的表达 *eu(=good)

10. eupuism
  n.华丽的措辞(或文章) *eu(=good)

11. prophecy

12. prophesy
  v.预言 *pro(=forward,before)

13. prophel
  n.先知,预言家;主张人,提倡者 *pro(=forward,before)
  prophetic n.预言的;预言家的
  the Prophets 基督教《圣经.旧约》中的先知书



perspective 透视的(spect看)

perfect 完全的,全然的

pernoctation 通宵不归,彻夜不眠(noct夜)

perennial 全年的(enn年)

perfuse 洒满,灌满(fus流)

perspire 出汗(spir呼吸)

permanent 永久的(man停留)

perform 完成,执行

persist 坚持(sist立)

perorate (演说时)作结束语

pervade 遍及(vad走)

perambulate 步行穿过(ambul走)

pervious 能被通过的(vi路)


perplex 使复杂

permute 变换

perturb 扰乱

perfervid 十分热情的

percussion 敲打

persuade 劝说


peroxide 过氧化物

peracid 过酸

perchloride 高氯化物

periodide 高碘化物

persulphate 过硫酸盐

permanganate 高锰酸盐

后缀:-ate ③[名词后缀]


graduate 毕业生

delegate 代表

candidate 侯补者

curate 副牧师

magistrate 地方行政官

advocate 辩护者


doctorate 博士衔

directorate 指导者的职位

professoriate 教授职位

electorate 全体选民


carbonate 碳酸盐

borate 硼酸盐

sulphate 硫酸盐

acetate 醋酸盐

nitrate 硝酸盐

alcoholate 乙醇化物

后缀:-atic [形容词后缀]


systematic 有系统的

idiomatic 惯用语的

problematic 有问题的

emblematic 象征的

diagrammatic 图解的

thematic 题目的,主题的

lymphatic 淋巴的

axiomatic 公理的


【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix indicating an enzyme

【相关描述】From Greek diastasis and then (diast)ase, separation, interval [from dia-, through, apart, plus stasis, a standing]; an amylase that converts starch to maltose. Added to the name of a substance it usually indicates an enzyme that hydrolyzes that substance; for example, proteinases hydrolyze proteins and asparaginase hydrolyzes asparagine.

This suffix is also described as the termination denoting an enzyme, suffixed to the name of the substance (substrate) upon which the enzyme acts; e.g., phosphatase, lipase, and proteinase. It may also indicate the reaction catalyzed, e.g., decarboxylase and oxidase. Enzymes named before the convention was established generally have an -in ending; e.g., pepsin, ptyalin, and trypsin.

【同源单词】anhydrase, colipase, creatinase, cyclase, dextrase, glutaminase

词根词缀:histo-, hist-, histi-

【来源及含义】Greek: tissue [web]; beam or warp of a loom; hence, that which is woven; a web or tissue; used in the sense of pertaining to [body] tissue

【同源单词】histaffine, histaminase, histamine, histamine blocking agent, histamine phosphate, histaminia

词根词缀:lymph-, lympho-

【来源及含义】Greek: water, yellowish fluid; connected with, or containing, lymph, a transparent fluid that is derived from body tissue and conveyed to the bloodstream by the lymphatic vessels

【同源单词】angiolymphangioma, angiolymphitis, anulus lymphaticus cardiae, coniolymphstasis, follicular lymphoma, lymph

词根词缀:phospho-, phosph-, phosphoro-, phosphor-

【来源及含义】Greek: light, light bringer, shine; morning star; a nonmetallic chemical element that ignites when exposed to air

【相关词根词缀】 Etymologically related "light, shine, glow" word families: ethero-; fulg-; luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-; lustr-; phengo-; pheno-; photo-; scinti-, scintill-; splendo-.

【同源单词】dephosphorize, dephosphorylation, phosphate, phosphaturia, phosphene, phosphide

词根词缀:scroful-, scrofulo-

【来源及含义】Latin: breeding sow

【相关描述】In the extended sense, it pertains to scrofula, a tubercular swelling, especially of the lymphatic glands [so named, perhaps, because the swelling resembles the shape of a sow or a female hog]).

【同源单词】scrofula, scrofuloderma, scrofulous, scrofulous abscess

词根词缀:spleno-, splen-, splenico-, spleni-, -splenism, -splenia, -splenic

【来源及含义】Greek: spleen, "the inward parts;" the elongated accessory lymphatic organ of the vascular [blood] system

【相关描述】The spleen is a large glandlike, but ductless, organ situated in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left side and lateral to the cardiac end of the stomach.

It is also called the lien. The largest structure in the lymphoid system, it is a flattened oblong shaped structure of about 125 mm. in length.

It disintegrates the red blood cells and sets the hemoglobin free, which the liver converts into bilirubin; it gives rise to new red blood cells during fetal life and in the newborn; serves as a reservoir of blood; produces lymphocytes and plasma cells; and has other important functions, the full scope of which hasn't been entirely determined.

【同源单词】asplenia, asplenic, autosplenectomy, Habet et musca splenem, hepatosplenitis, hepatosplenomegaly