词根:pet (pit, peat) = to rush, to seek, to strive
来自拉丁语的pet 意为to rush,to seek,to strive,它的变形为pit,peat。
(*拉丁文petere (=to fly,to seek)——英文字根字典)
1. impetus(在内部猛冲 im<in(=in) + pet(=rush))
I don't think he has the impetus to complete in the 3-mile race.我认为他没有完成3公里赛跑的动力。
2. perpetual(一直寻找的per (=through,throughout) + pet(=seek,strive))
perpetuate v.使永远存在
perpetuity n.永远,不朽;终生养老金
perpetuation n. 永存,不朽
perpetually adv.永久地
Maintaining a state of perpetual inner peace is a truth seeker's goal. 永远保持内心的平静是真理追寻者的目标。
3. propitious(为事先求得、获得而费心思的 pro(=before,forward) + pit<pet (=seek))
Economic conditions are propitious for starting a new business now.现在的经济状况利于开展新的生意。
4. propitiate(事先求得 pro(=before) + pit<pet(=seek))
propitiation n.劝解;安慰
propitiatory adj.劝解的;安慰的
I propitiated my offended wife with gift of roses. 我用玫瑰作礼物取悦我生气的妻子。
5. impetuous
adj.激烈的,猛烈的;(言行)鲁莽的;冲动的 *im<in(=in),pet(=rush)
impetuosity n.激烈;鲁莽的言行
impetuous remarks 冲动的话
impetuous charge/gale 猛袭/狂风
6. petulant
adj. 性急的;易怒的;任性的 *pet(=rush)
petulance n.性急;任性 *pet(=rush)
7. appetite
n.食欲;欲求,欲望;爱好 *ap<ad(=to),pet(=seek)
appetizer n.开胃食品,开胃饮料(或酒)
have a big appetite 胃口大
appetite for power 权力欲
carnal/sexual appetite 性欲
8. appetizing
adj.美味可口的;促进食欲的 *ap<ad(=to),pet(seek)
appetizing smell from the kitchen 从厨房里飘来的诱人的香味
9. centripetal
adj.向心的 *centr(=center),pet(=seek)
centripetal force 向心力
10. compete
v.竞争;比赛;对抗 *com(=together),pet(=seek)
compete with/against others for a prize 和他人竞争奖项
compete with /against other countries in trade 和他国进行贸易战争
11. competence
n.胜任,能力;[律]权限 *com(=together),pet(=seek)
his competence in handling money 他掌管钱财的能力
12. competent
adj.(人)有能力的,胜任的;合格的;足够的;充足的 *com(=together),pet(=seek)
competent player 有能力的选手
competent knowledge of English 足够的英语知识
13. competition
n.竞争;(较量知识、力量等的)比赛 *com(=togehter),pet(=seek)
trade competition between countries 国家间的贸易竞争
keen competition for a job 激烈的求职竞争
boxing/chess competitions 拳击比赛/国际象棋比赛
14. competitive
adj.竞争的;比赛的;有竞争力的 *com(=togehter),pet(=seek)
competitive games 比赛
competitive prices 有竞争力的价格
competitive coexistence 竞争共存
15. competitor
n.竞争者,竞争对手 *com(=togehter),pet(=seek)
incompetence / incompetency n.不适当;无能力;无资格
incompetent to teach science 不适合当理科教师的
16. petition
v.向...请愿,恳求;申请 *pet(=seek)
petitioner n.请愿者;申请人;(特指)离婚诉讼的原告
petition to the king 上呈给国王的请愿书
petition of bankruptcy 破产申请
petition of appeal 起诉书
petition of revision 上诉状
the Petition of Right 权利请愿
17. repetition
n.重复,反复;背诵 *re(=again),pet(=seek)
repetitive /repetitious 重复的,反复性的
the repetitive work of a factory's production line 工厂生产线上的重复性的工作
after numerous repetitions 在反复多次之后
18. repeat
v./n.重复,反复 *re(=again),pet(=seek)
repeated adj.反复的,重复的,再三的
repeating adj.反复的;循环的;连发的
repeatedly adv.反复地,多次地
repeat performance 重演
词根:od = song
来自希腊语的od 意为song。
1. parody(向旁边歌唱 par<para(=beside) + od(song))
parodist n.模仿诗文作者
At Jim's retirement dinner,his colleagues presented a parody of his work life. 在吉姆的退休庆祝宴会上,他的同事们上演了一场根据他职场生涯改编的仿剧。
2. ode
3. melody
n.美妙的音乐;歌曲;旋律 *mel (=merry)
old Irish melodies 古老的爱尔兰歌曲
4. melodious
adj.旋律优美的;有旋律的 *mel (=merry)
melodic adj.旋律的;曲调优美的
the melodious notes of a thrush 画眉的优美歌声
5. prosody
n.诗体论;作诗法;韵律学;(特定语言的)重音和语调模式;韵律结构 *pros<pro(=forth)
词根:mont, mount = hill, to rise
来自拉丁语的mont,mount意为hill,to rise。
1. promontory(向前突出的山坡 pro(=forth) + mont(=hill,rise))
This is a small promontory of land jutting into the Pacific.这是伸向太平洋的一个小海角。
2. paramount(在山坡旁边的para(=beside) + mount(=hill))
paramountcy n.最高权威;至高无上;卓越
Childhood vaccinations are of paramount importance to prevent terrible diseases.从小接种疫苗对预防重大疾病至关重要。
3. surmount(超过山坡走sur(=over) + mount(=hill,rise))
surmountable adj.可以克服的
The typical hero of a romance novel surmounts difficulty and triumphs.典型的爱情小说中的男主主人公总是能够克服困难取得胜利。
4. insurmountable
adj.无法克服的;无法逾越的 *in(=not),sur(=over)
5. tantamount
adj.相当...的 *tanta(=so much)
The Queen's request was tantamount to a command.女王的要求等同于命令。
6. dismount
v.使下马;使掉下马;卸下;拆开(机器等) *dis(=away)
dismounted adj.(骑兵)像步兵一样战斗的
dismount from one's horse/bicycle 从马/自行车上下来
dismount a gun(从炮架上)入下大炮
7. remount
n.补充的新马 *re(=again)
8. mountain
mountaineer n.登山家;在山地生活的人
mountaineering n.登山
mountain sickness 高山病
a mountain of debts/difficulties 堆积成山的债务/困难
9. mountainous
mountainous country 山岳地带
mountainous waves 如山的波浪
10. mount
Mount(Mt.) Everest 珠穆朗玛峰
the Sermon on the Mount 《山顶布道》,出自《马太福音第五章》
Mount Rushmore 总统山
11. mountebank
n.骗子;江湖郎中 *bank(=bench)
12. montage
13. Mont blanc
14. piedmont
n.山麓地带;(P~)北美洲Appalachian (阿巴拉契亚)山脉和大西洋沿岸的高原 *pied(=foot)
15. amount
v.共计;等于 n.总数《a- = ad- =to 》
inglorious 不光彩的
incapable 无能力的
incorrect 不正确的
incomparable 无比的
incomplete 不完全的
insensible 无感觉的
inhuman 不人道的
inartistic 非艺术的
injustice 不公正
informal 非正式的
inside 内部、里面
inbreak 入侵
indoor 户内的
intake 纳入,吸入
inland 内地的,国内的
inbreathe 吸入
inject 投入,注射
inrush 涌入,闯入
inspirit 使振作精神
inflame 燃烧
intrench 掘壕沟
intone 发音,呤诵
invigorate 给以勇气,鼓舞
ingraft 接枝
incurve (使)弯曲
outdo 胜过,战胜
outrun 跑过,追过
outlive 活得比...长
outbrave 以勇胜过
outgo 走得比...远
outact 行动上胜过
outeat 吃得比...多
outnumber 在数量上超过
outsize 过大
outspend 花费过度
outsit 坐得太久
outwear 穿坏,穿破
outdream 做梦太多
outgrow 长得太大
outdoor 户外的
outflow 流出
out-city 市外的,农村的
out-party 在野党
outwork 户外工作
outtell 说出
outhouse 外屋
outrush 冲出
outroot 除根
outlaw 夺去法律上的权利
outgas 除去气体
词根词缀:cerauno-, kerauno-
【来源及含义】Greek: thunderbolt, thunder, lightning [literally, "smasher, crusher"]
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "lightning and/or thunder": astrapo-; bronto-; fulgur-; tonitro-, tonitru-.
【同源单词】ceraunia, ceraunics, ceraunogram, ceraunograph, ceraunomancy, ceraunomania
词根词缀:clast-, clas-, -clastic, -clast, -clase, -clasia, -clasis, -clasis, -clasmic, -clasm
【来源及含义】Greek: break, break in pieces; broken, broken in pieces, crush; bend
【相关词根词缀】 Related break, broken-word units: frag-; rupt-.
【同源单词】aclasia, aclassis, aclastic, anaclastic, anemoclastic, angioclast
【来源及含义】Latin: to agree, to come together, to correspond with; "suitable, proper," from Latin congruentem, congruens, "agreeing, fit, suitable" from congruere, literally, "to come together, to agree, to meet", from com-, "with, together" + gruere, ruere, "to fall, to rush"
【同源单词】congruence, congruency, congruent, congruently, congruism, congruist
词根词缀:fisc-, fiscal
【来源及含义】Latin: from fuscus to fiscal; a small rush basket; then, a purse, public purse, public revenue
【同源单词】confiscate, confiscation, fiscal, fiscal adjustment, fiscal aggregate, fiscal conservatism
词根词缀:papyro-, papyr-
【来源及含义】Greek: papyros > Latin > Old French; papyrus, an Egyptian rush [a reed plant] from which material was made for writing or drawing. Used in the sense of "fibrous material on which to write or to draw"; paper
【同源单词】papyr, papyraceous, papyral, papyrian, papyriferous, papyrin