词根:qui, quiet = to rest(休息), calm (安静的)
来源于拉丁语的quiet,quies 意为 to rest(休息),calm (安静的)。
1. acquit [让某人心境平和ac,ad(=to) + qui(=quiet)]
vt. sb +of+ sth 宣判…无罪;使(自己)作出某种表现;使(自己)履行(或完成)
acquittal n. 宣判无罪;履行
acquittance adj.(债务的)清偿
ex) The jury acquitted the prisoner after a short deliberation. 陪审团稍作审议,决定宣判犯人无罪。
2. acquiesce [面对某事变得安静ac<ad(=to, intensive)+qui(=quiet)]
vi. to+sth 默认;默从
acquiescence n. 默认
acquiescent adj. 默认的
ex) I finally acquiesced to my parents' demands that l stop smoking. 最后我还是默从了我父母的要求,答应戒烟。
3. disquieting [不让心境平和、安宁的dis(=not)+qui(=quiet,rest)]
adj . 使不安的,令人担忧的
disquiet n. 使不安
disquietude n. 不安,担忧
disquietingly adv. 不安地,担忧地廷多
ex) The solider could not sleep due to the disquieting sounds of battle in the distance. 从远处传来的令人不安的战斗声使那个士兵无法入睡。
4. tranquility [完全安静的、平稳的状态tran<trans(=intensive)+qui(=quiet, rest)]
n. 平静;平稳
tranquil adj. 平静的;平稳的
tranquilizer n. 镇静剂
tranquilize v. 使安静;使镇定
ex) The tranquility here at Loon Lake is marvelous. 卢恩湖非常平静。
5. quiescent
n. 静止的,不动的
quiescence n. 静止,不活动;沉默
6. inquietude
n. 不安,担心 *in(=not)
7. quietism
n. [宗]寂静主义(天主教神修学派的主张)
8. quietude
n. 寂静;宁静
9. requiem
n.(天主教)安魂弥撒;安魂曲;挽歌 *re(=again,intensive)
10. unquiet
adj.不安的;心神不宁的;纷扰的 un-(=not)
词根:dic, dict = say, assert, allot 说话, 断言, 分派
词根dic 是拉丁动词dicere 的不定式词干,dict 是动名词词干,意为to say ,to declare,to allot(此含义较少用),to assert等。有时“c”(k)不发音,同义词根有来源于拉丁语的fa/fam/fess,locut/loqu,nounc/nunci,or,parl,来源于希腊语的phras,pha/phe/phu 等。
说文解字:在dictionary (词典)一词中包含着一个重要的词根dic,意思是“to say (说)”,来自拉丁语的dictum ,可追溯到原始印欧语根 *deik-,最原始的含义是“手指”,做动词的话就是“用手指指”,所以dict 最初的含义是“指着说”。由此构成的单词diction 指“措词,用词”,即“说的艺术”,所以dictionary 表示“收录词的各种用法的书”,也就是“词典”。
contradict 由contr- (=against) 与dict 构成,字面含义是“反对别人所说的话,以言相抗”,也就是“否定,反驳”。单词digit (手指或脚趾)也来源于此,古人数数用手指来计算,人们便赋予digit “数字”这层含义了。随着科学技术的发展,琳琅满目的数码产品(digital products)充斥着我们的生活。当字母d换成t之后,就演变出了teach (教)这个单词;还有一个同源词token,“记号,象征”的意思,它的原始含义也是“教”。从词源来看,“教”的意思就是通过信号或符号引起别人对事物、人物、观察和研究的结果等做出反应。
1. abdicate [ab 离开 + dic 说,命令 + -ate 动词后缀 →不再命令→退位]
vi.from + sth 退出
Despite the scandal.the mayor did not abdicate his office.(尽管发生了丑闻,市长却没有辞职。)
2. contradict [contra相反,dict言;说出“相反之言”]
in contradiction to 与...相反
3. contradiction [见上,-ion名词后缀]
4. contradictory [contra(=against),-ory形容词后缀,…的]
contradictory statements/reports 矛盾的陈述/报道
5. dictate [dict言,说→吩咐,命令,指示,-ate动词后缀;“口授命令或指示”]
v. 口述而令别人记录,使听写,命令,支配 n.(pl.) 指示,命令
6. dictation [见上,-ion名词后缀]
7. dictator [见上,-or者;“口授命令者”→支配者,掌权者]
8. dictatorial [见上,-ial形容词后缀,…的]
adj. 专政的,独裁的;专横的
dictatorial government 独裁政府
dictatorial manner 专横的态度
9. dictatorship [见上,-ship名词后缀]
military/Fascist dictatorship 军事独裁/法西斯独裁
10. predict [pre-前,先,预先,dict言]
11. predicate
n.[语]谓语 v. 断言,断定 *pre(=before)
prediction [见上,-ion名词后缀] n.预言,预告
12. predicament [pre 预先+dica 命令+ment→预先命令做→进入危境]
The world is in a real predicament with the proliferation of nuclear weapons. 世界因核武器扩散而陷入困境。
13. predictable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的]
unpredictable adj.不可预知的
14. malediction [male-恶,坏,dict言,-ion名词后缀;“恶言”]
Heaping maledictions upon her ex-husband,she stormed from the room. 她一边咒骂着前夫,一边冲出房间。
15. maledictory [见上,-ory形容词后缀,…的] 咒骂的
16. benediction [bene-好,dict言词,-ion名词后缀;“好的言词”]
17. benedictory [见上,-ory形容词后缀,…的]
18. indicate [in-表示at,dic言,说→说明,表明,表示,-ate动词后缀]
19. indication [见上,-ion名词后缀]
20. indicator [见上,-or表示人或物]
21. indicative [在里边的in(=in,to) +dic(=say),-ive形容词后缀,…的]
The white color of the dog's gums is indicative of a circulatory problem. 狗的牙齿发白,说明循环系统有问题。
22. dictionary [dict言,词,diction措词,-ary名词后缀,表示物;“关于措词的书”]
23. diction [dict言,词,-ion名词后缀]
24. dictum [dict言,词,-um名词后缀]
n. 格言,名言
25. dictaphone[dict言,说,-a-连接字母,phone声音,电话] 口述录音机,录音电话机
26. indict [in-表示on,upon,against,dict言,诉说]
27. indictment[见上,-ment名词后缀]
n. 控告,起诉,起诉书
indict v. 起诉,控告
indictable adj.应予以指控的;(罪等)可能招致起诉的
The financier was deeply depressed after his indictment.(那位金融家被起诉后变得非常消沉。)
28. indictor [见上,-or表示人,主动者]
n. 原告,起诉者(亦作indicter)
29. indictee [见上,-ee表示人,被动者]
n. 被告,被起诉者
30. interdict [inter-中间,dict言;“从中插言”→使停止]
v. 以禁令禁止 n.(法庭或官吏作出的)禁令
31. interdiction [见上,-ion名词后缀]
32. interdictory [见上,-ory形容词后缀,…的]
33. verdict [ver=very真正的,绝对的,恰好的,dict言]
a verdict of guilty/not guiIty((陪审团)判决有罪/无罪)
34. vindicate (vin 力量+dic 说+ate→用力量说→拥护)[使有力地说vin(=torce)+dic(=say)
vindication n.证明无罪;辩护
Various GAO studies have vindicated the new welfare reform laws.(美国总审计局的各种研究证明了新福利法修正棠的正确性。)
vindictive adj. (vin 力量+dict 说+ive)有报复心的
35. jurisdiction (juris 司法+dict+ion→说法律的→司法权) [法律说iur(=law, swear)+dict(=say) + -tion名词后缀]
jurisdictional adj.司法权的,裁判权的;管辖(权)的
Does this case have state or federal jurisdiction ? 该案件属州法院管辖还是属于联邦法院管辖?
36. edict [c-外,出,dict言,词→指示;“统治者发出的话,“当局发出的指示”] [大声说出e<ex(=out) +dict(=say)]
Historically, royal edicts had to be obeyed by a monarch's subjects.(历史上,臣民.必须服从君主的命令。)
37. addict(ad 一再+dict 说→说了还说→耽溺) *ad(=ad,to)
v.使沉溺,使上瘾;使热衷于 adj.有瘾的人
addiction n. 耽溺,嗜好 (addict+ion)
addictive adj.使人上瘾的
drug addict 吸毒者;瘾君子
He is addicted to alcohol/smoking /lying /study /drugs. 他是个喝酒成瘾的人/烟鬼/常说谎的人/书呆子/药物上瘾的人。
38. dedicate (de 加强+dic 说+ate→再说→努力献身)
v. 献身(to);以...奉献,以...供奉;(给著作)题献词
dedicated adj.献身的,一心一意的
39. dictum [dict+um→说[出]的话→格言]
n. 正式声明,格言,警句;权威意见
40. predicatory
41. syndicate
n.辛迪加,企业联合组织 *syn(=together)
42. valediction (vale 再见+dict + -ion →说再见)
n. 告别赠言
valedictory adj.告别的 *val(=worth)
valedictory speech 告别演说
43. valedictorian
n.(毕业典礼时)致告别辞的学生代表 *val(=worth)
44. vindictive
adj.以怀恨在心的,有报复心的 *vin(=force)
45. indite (in 进入dite[=dict]→说进去→写进,写作)
v. 撰写,写作
词根:hab(hib) = to live, to have, to hold
来自拉丁语的hab意为to live,to have,to hlod。它的元音弱化开为hib。
(*拉丁文habere(=to have,to hlod,to keep)——英文字根字典)
1. rehabilitate(重新拥有re(=again) + hab(=have,live))
rehabilitation n.收复正常生活;复职;复位;恢复名誉
I strongly believe prisoners should be rehabilitated during their incarceration.我坚持认为,犯人们在监禁期间应该接受正确的管教。
2. inhabitant(在里面生活的人 in(=in) + hab(=live,have))
inhabit v.居住于;栖息于
inhabitable adj.适合居住的
inhabited adj.有人居住的
There are only 7 inhabitants in this small apartment building.这座小公寓楼里只住了7个人。
3. habituate(使生活hab(=live,have))
Bears have become habituated to tourists as a primary food source.熊已经习惯将游客当作食物的首要来源了。
4. malady(具有不好的状态、恶性 mal(=bad) + ad<hab(=live,have))
My brother's a hypochondriac,always complaining of some malady or other. 我的弟弟是个忧郁症患者,经常抱怨有这样或那样的病。
5. inhibit(使不确定有 in(=not) + hib<hab(=have,hold))
inhibition n.抑制;禁止
inhibitive adj.抑制的;禁止的
I hate tight clothing,because it inhibits my movement.我讨厌紧身的衣服,因为它妨碍我的活动。
6. cohabit
v.(尤其指未婚男女)同居生活;共同存在 *co<com(=together)
cohabitation n.同居;共同存在
cohabitation politics 左右共治
7. habitable
The old house is no longer habitable.这座老房子再也不适宜居住了。
8. habitual
habitually adv.习惯地
habitude n.习惯,习俗;本性
habitual reader 养成读书习惯的人
habitual criminal 惯犯
his habitual seat at the dining-table 饭桌上他经常坐的位子
9. habitation
houses that were not fit for habitation 曾经不适合居住的房子
human habitation 人类的居住环境
10. habitat
natural habital 天然栖息地
11. habitue
habitue of the Restaurant Maxim 马克西姆餐厅的常客
habitue of the orchestral concerts 经常去听管弦音乐会的人
12. habit
creature of habit 习惯的奴隶
monk's habit 僧服,法衣
riding habit 女骑装
13. exhibit
n.(博物馆等的)展览品;阵列,展示;(提供给法庭的)证据 *ex(=out)
exhibitor n.(美术、花卉展等的)展览者
Don't touch the exhibits 请不要触摸展览品
exhibit A证据甲
14. exhibition
n.展览,阵列;展览会;(学识等的)表现,显示 *ex(=out)
exhibitionism n.表现癖
exhibitionist n.有表现癖的人;裸露癖患者
opportunity for the exhibition of one's knowledge 展示自己知识的机会
15. prohibi
v.禁止;阻止 *pro(=before)
prohibitive adj.禁止的,禁止性的;(价格)高得买不起的
prohibitive price 高得买不起的价格
prohibitory adj.禁止的
prohibitory laws 禁止法
Smoking strictly prohibited 严禁吸烟
16. prohibition
n.禁止;禁令;禁酒 *pro(=before)
prohibitionist n.赞成禁止的人;禁酒主义者
prohibition law [美史]禁酒令(美国于1920年到1933年实施)
prohibition against the sale of cigarettes to children 禁止向儿童出售香烟的命令。
前缀:non- 表示”不, 非”
nonexistent a.不存在的(non+existent存在的)
nonsmoking a.不准吸烟的(non+smoking吸烟的)
nonstop a.直达的(non+stop停止→不停→直达的)
nonchalant a.冷漠的(non+chalant关心的→不关心的)
nonconformist n.不遵循传统竽活的人(non+conform一致+ist→[和传统]不一致的人)
词根词缀:atmido-, atmid-
【来源及含义】Greek: smoke, vapor, steam; from amis, atmidos, "smoke, vapor"
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-; typho-.
【同源单词】atmidometer, atmidometric, atmidometry, atmometer
词根词缀:capno-, capn-, capnod-
【来源及含义】Greek: smoke; vapor; sooty [extended meaning is carbon dioxide]
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-; typho-.
【同源单词】acapnia, acapnic, acapnotic, capneic, capnocytophaga, capnodous
词根词缀:fumi-, fum-
【来源及含义】Latin: smoke, vapor
【相关词根词缀】See other related smoke pages at this capno- unit.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking":
Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1;
Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1;
【同源单词】effumation, effume, enfume, fumacious, Fumaria officinalis, fumaric
词根词缀:nebula-, nebul-
【来源及含义】Latin: mist, fog, cloud, smoke
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; typho-.
【同源单词】circumnebulous, nebula, nebulaphobia, nebulate, nebulated, nebule
词根词缀:typho-, typh-, -typhoidal, -typhus
【来源及含义】Greek: to smoke; smoke, mist, vapor, hot vapor, steam, cloud, fog; stupor [insensibility, numbness, dullness]; used exclusively in medicine as a reference to fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from the fever caused by a severe-infectious disease
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; capno; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-.
【同源单词】antityphoid, meningotyphoid, nyctotyphlosis, paratyphoid, pleurotyphoid, posttyphoid