词根:ducc, duc, duct(du) = to lead(引导)
来源于拉丁语的ducere 意为to lead,这对词根的孳生能力很强,其同族词不下百个。du 是它们的变形。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的men(mean)和来源于希腊语的agog。此外,还有意为to drive 的来源于拉丁语的词根ag/ig/act,flig,pel/puls(peal)等。
1. abduct [拉向远处ab(=away)+duct(=lead)]
n. abduction诱拐
n. abductor诱拐者
The robber decided to abduct a hostage.(强盗决定绑榘一名人质)
2. conducive [一起、一块拉的con<com(=together)+duc(=lead)]
conduce v.有助于,有利于
The excessive cold in the classroom is not conducive to learning. 教室太冷会不利于学习。
3. induce [向里拉in(=in, into) +duc(=lead)]
v. 引起,诱发;劝诱;[逻]归纳;[医]用人工方法引导
iriducement n. 劝诱
Doctors often induce labor in pregnant women with powerful drugs.(医生常常使用强效药来为孕妇引产)
4. traduce [拉过头、拉偏C~ tra<trans ( = over, across) + duc ( = lead)]
traducer n.诽谤者
Stars are used to seeing their names traduced in the tabloids.(看见小报中伤自己的名誉,明星们已经习以为常了。)
5. aqueduct
n.沟渠;导水管,水道 *aqu(=water)
6. conduction
n.(电流、热等的)传导 *con<com(=together)
conduct v. 传导;引导;指挥
conductive adj.传导的
7. conductor
n.指挥家;列车长;(电流、热等的)导体 *con<com(=together)
conductress n. 女车长
semiconductor n. 半导体
8. deduct
n. 扣除,减除 *de(=down)
deduct 1O% from the salary(从工资里扣除10%)
9. deductible
adj.可扣除的;可减免的 *de(=down)
deductible tax (可减免的税款)
10. deduction
n.扣除(额),减除(额);推论;演绎 *de(=down)
deductions from pay for insurance and pension(从薪水里扣除一部分作为保险费和退休金)
11. deductive
adj. 推论的;演绎的 *de(=down)
deductive method(演绎法)
12. ductile
adj.(金属)叮延展的;易教导的;顺从的 *ile(=capable of)
ductility n.(金属的)可延展性;(人等的)可塑性
inductile adj. 无延展性的:难以教导的
13. induct
v. 使(正式)就任;吸收为会员;使入门;【逻】归纳;引导 *in(=into)
14. induction
n. (正式)就职;入门;人会;归纳(法);诱导 *in(=into)
induction course(入门课程)
induction ceremony(入会仪式,如加入Phi Beta Kappa (美国大学优等生和毕业生的荣誉组织)等在全国拥有最高权威的优秀学会的仪式
15. inductive
adj.归纳的;诱导性的 *in(=into)
inductive method 归纳法
16. Introduction
n.介绍;引进;绪论,前言;初级读物 *intro (=within)
17. introductory
adj.介绍性的;前言的;初步的 *intro (=within)
introductory remarks 前言,序言
introductory chapter 续篇
18. oviduct
n.输卵管 *ovi(=egg)
19. product
n. 产物;产品;产量;结果 *pro(=forth)
agricultural/marine/forest products 农/海/林产品
gross national product (GNP)(国民生产总值)
20. production
n.生产;产量;作品 *pro(=forth)
mass production(大量生产)
production line(生产线)
21. productive
adj. 多产的;生产性的;肥沃的;造成某种结果的(of) *pro(=forth)
productive writer(多产作家)
productive of happiness(带来幸福的)
22. productivity
n.生产率,生产力 *pro(=forth)
productivity movement(提高生产率运动)
labor productivity(劳动生产串)
23. seduction
adj.教唆,诱惑,勾引;魅力;富有魅力的事物,诱惑韧 *se(=apart)
seductions of suburban life(郊外生活的吸引力)
24. seductive
adj. 污惑的;富有魅力的,诱人的
seductive smiles(富有魅力的徽笑)
seductive offer(谤人的提议)
25. reduction
n. 减少,削减,缩小 *r(=back)
price reduction(减价)
26. viaduct
n.高架桥;高架道路 *via(=way)
27. adduce
v.(作为证据、示例)引用,举出,引证 *ad(=to)
adduce proof /reasons/authority 举出证据/举出理由/引用权威的典籍
28. deduce
v. 演绎,推论 *de(=down)
29. deducibie
n. 演绎,推论 *de(=down)
30. Duce
n. 首领,元首(特指意大利法西斯时期对墨索里尼的称呼)
31. education
duke(公爵)dukedom(公爵领地)duchess(公舟夫人) duchy(公爵领地;公国)
32. educator
n. 教育家;有教育工作者 *e<ex(=out)
co-education 男女同学(制)
33. educational
adj.教育的;有教育意义的 *e<ex(=out)
educational film(教育电影)educational work(教育工作)
34. educe
v. 引出;使显现出(潜在的能力或性格) *e<ex(=ojut)
35. introduce
v. 提出(议案、话题等);采用;(向某人)介绍…,(特指正式地向某人)引见…*intro(=within)
introduce a bill into congress(向议会提交法案)
Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America. 马铃薯是从美洲引入欧洲的。
36. produce
n.产品;[总称]农产品;产量 *pro(=forth,forward)
film that produced a sensation 引起很大反响的电影
produce a new play 上演一部新剧
a well-produced book 一本印制得很好的书
词根:junct, join(jug) = to join, to bind (连接)
来源于拉丁语 jungere 连接,为它的动名词形式 junctum;意为to join,to bind。jug 是它们的变形。-join- 为 -junct- 的 变 体,一般构成动词,有异形同义词根:-nect- / -ser- / -sert- 连接此外,还有意为to bind,to tie 的来源于拉丁语的lig(li,leag,ly),cinct,nect/nex,strict/string/stress 和来自盎格-鲁撒克逊语的bond,含义相似。
1. adjunct(另外再捆绑 ad(=to ,add) + junct(=join,bind))
A direct mail promotion will be an adjunct to our print advertising campaign. 以印刷广告活动为主,直接邮寄产品促销是辅助手段。
2. enjoin(用力捆绑 en(=intensive) + join(=join,bind))
The store was enjoined from selling the inflammable children's clothing. 那家商店被禁止出售易燃性儿童服装。
3. subjugate(在下面捆 sub(=under) + jug(=bind,join))
subjugation n.征服;从属
Rapists subjugate women not only physically but also emotionally. 强奸犯不仅从身体上而且从精神上使女性屈从。
4. conjunction
n.结合,连接;[语]连接词 *con<com(=together)
in conjunction with 与...协力
a coordinate/subordinate conjunction 并列连词/从属连词
an unusual conjunction of circumstances 各种情况的奇特巧合
5. conjunctive
adj.结合的;连接的;[语]连接词的 *con<com(=together)
conjunctive n.结膜
conjunctivitis n.结膜炎
conjunctive word 连接词
6. conjuncture
n.(事件的)共同发生;紧要关头 *con<com(=together)
7. disjunctive
adj.[语]转折的 n.[语]转折连词 *dis(=away,apart)
8. junction
effect a junction with the allies 与联合军汇合
effect a junction with the Kyung-Bu Railway Line 与京釜线汇合
junction circuit 中继电路
9. juncture
at this juncture 在这个当口,在这个节骨眼上
10. junta
n.(西班牙、意大利等的)政务(审议)会;(通过军事政变掌握政权的)军人集团 *junt<junct(=join)
11. junto
n.秘密政治集团;派系 *junt<junct(=join)
12. subjunctive
adj.[语]虚拟的 n.[语]虚拟语气,虚拟式 *sub(=under)
subjunctive mood 虚拟语气
13. adjoin
v.贴近,毗邻 *ad(=near)
adjoining adj.贴近的,毗邻的
14. conjoin
v.结合;联合 *con<com(=together)
15. conjoint
adj.共同的;联合的 *con<com(=together)
16. disjoint
v.(使)脱节,(使)脱臼;拆开;解体 *dis(=away,apart)
17. disjointed
adj.脱臼的;(谈话、文章等)无条理的 *dis(=away,apart)
18. joint
adj.共同的,共有的;合作的 v.(用接缝方式)连接;从关节处切开
jointly adv.联合地,共同地
finger joints 手指关节
out of joint 脱臼
joint efforts 共同努力
joint communique 联合公报
joint resolution <美>(国会两院的)共同决议
joint session (议会、国会两院的)联席会议
joint venture 合作投资
clip joint 索价特别高昂的商店(或夜总会、酒吧等)
19. jointure
20. subjoin
v.附加 *sub(=under)
subjoin a postscript to a letter 在信件上加附言
21. conjugal
adj.结婚的 *con<com(=together)
conjugally adv.结婚地
conjugality n.婚姻;夫妇生活
conjugal happiness 婚姻生活的幸福
conjugal affection 夫妻之间的恩爱
22. conjugate
v.[语]列举动词的词形变化;使结合 con<com(=together)
conjugation n.词形变化;结合
词根:press = to press (压)
press 是个非常显现的拉丁词根,因为它成为英语的单词press,广为初学者所认识。press 来自拉丁动词pressare,意为to press (压),其动名词pressum 的词干也是press,所以不存在异形根。
(来源拉丁语 premere 压;它相应的希腊语词根为:baro 压,如:isobar 等压线、barometer 气压计 ——出自赢在单词)
1. compress (一起按 com(=together) + press(=press))(全部文章被压成一段精炼的话,即压缩 / 摘要)
vt. 压缩;压紧;概括
n. 温敷布,压布
compression n.压缩
compressor n.压缩机
compressed adj.压缩的
compressible adj.可压缩的
You can compress a flower between the pages of a book. 可以把花夹压在书页中间。
2. expressly(挤压出外边 ex(=out) + press(=press))
adv. 明白地,清楚地;特别地,特意地(把自己的情感有内向外的压出来,即表达 / 表示)
express v.表达,表示;快递;(adj.)明白的,明示的;快递的;快速的 (n.)快车;快运;快递公司
expression n.表达,措辞;表情
expressionism n.表现主义
expressive adj.表现的
expressionless adj.无表情的
The web site was expressly created to support recently widowed women. 那个网站是为支持那些刚刚失去丈夫的女性们特别制作的。
3. oppress(逆着某物压 op<ob(=against,intensive) + press(=press))(封建主不断压迫我们,我们当然要反抗啊!即压迫 / 压抑)
vt. 压迫,压制;使(心情)沉重
oppression n.压制,压抑
oppressor n.压制者
oppressive adj.压制的,压迫的;烦闷的
Organized religion is often used to opress people,in my view. 依我看,组织性的宗教往往被用来压制人民。
4. repress(向后按压 re(=back) + press(=press))
vt. 压抑,抵制;镇压
repression n.压抑;镇压
repressive adj.压抑的
repressed adj.被压抑的
I've tried to repress my memories of being raped,but without success. 我努力压抑着那段被强奸的记忆,不过却没什么用。
5. suppress(向压 sup<sub(=under) + press(=press))(清政府向下不断压制农民起义,即镇压 / 抑制)
vt. 镇压,压制;隐蔽,隐藏;抑制
suppression n.镇压,压制;隐蔽;抑制
suppressor n.压制者,镇压者
suppressive adj.压制的,镇压的
She was struggling to suppress her sobs. 她拼命不让自己哭出声音。
6. depress (某人不断地向下压制你,即使沮丧 / 使消沉)
v.压下;使沮丧,使忧郁;使萧条 *de(=down)
depressed classes 印度的最下层人民
depressed area 不景气地区
7. depression
n.意志消沉,忧郁;坑,洼地;萧条,不景气;低气压 *de(=down)
Great Depression 大萧条
in a slight depression 在较浅的低洼处
depression over Icelan 冰岛上空的低气压
8. depressive
adj.压下的;抑郁的,忧郁的 n.经常忧郁,沮丧、消沉的人 *de(=down)
depressive financial measures 为抑制贸易活动而采取的财政措施
depressive fit 忧郁症
9. impress
v.盖印;使感动,留下印象 n.印记 *im<in(=on)
10. impression
n.压痕;印刷;印次;印数;印象;(模糊的)观念 *im<in(=on)
impressionism n.印象主义
impressionist n.印象主义者
impressionistic 印象主义的
imression of a seal on wax 蜡上面的章印
first impression of 5,000 copies 第一次印刷5000册
11. impressionable
adj.敏感的,易受影响的 *im<in(=on)
children who are at the impressionable age 处于敏感年龄的孩子们
impressionable young lady 很容易受感动的年轻女子
12. impressive
adj.给人深刻印象的 *im<in(=on)
impressive ceremony 给人深刻印象的仪式
13. pressing
adj.紧急的,迫切的,需立即处理的;恳切的,再三要求的 n. (同一指压制的)唱片
pressing invitation 恳切的邀请
100 pressings of a symphony 100张交响乐唱片
pressing business 紧急事务
14. pressure
atmospheric/blood pressure 气压/血压
pressure cooker 高压锅
pressure gauge 压力计
pressure of work 工作压力
under strong pressure 承受巨大压力的
pressure group (为影响政策或舆论而组织的)压力集团
15. pressurized
16. press
1. put steady force on 压:to press the doorbell 按门铃 。2.squeeze 挤取,榨取:to press the grapes to produce wine 榨葡萄汁造酒。3. emphasize with force 强调,坚持:to press for a reform on the
education 坚持要求教育改革。
n. 1. the act of pressing 压按:three presses on the bell 按三下铃。2.printed publications or news organizations as a group 出版业,新闻机构: Oxford University Press 牛津大学出版社
pressing adj.迫切的;坚持的
pressure n.压,按;紧迫
词根:cis(cas, chis), cide = to cut(切)
cis和cid是一对同源异形根,来自拉丁动词caedere, 意为 to cut(切)。cid是不定式词干,cis是动名词词干。其变形为cas 和chis。同义词根有来自拉丁语的torn(tem) ,scind/scis,sect,sever,tail,tons,trench,cop/coup等。
1. concise(好好地切的 con<com(=intensive) + cis(=cut))
conciseness n.简洁
concisely adv.简洁地
Class,please write concise answers to the essay questions. 同学们,请简要写出这篇文章问题的答案。
2. excise(切掉 ex(=out) + cis(=cut))
vt. 切除;删除
excision n.切除;删除
He insisted that the violent scenes be excised from the film. 他坚持应删除电影中的暴力场面。
3. incisive(砍向里面或内部的 in(=in,into) + cis(=cut) + -ive 形容词后缀)
incision n.切割,切开;切口
incisor n.门牙
incise v.切割;雕刻,铭刻 《in- = in》
She's an incisive editor and cuts right to the bone. 她是一个果断的编辑,修改删节大刀阔斧。
4. circumcision
n.(尤其指犹太等为男婴施行的)割礼;割包皮 *circum(=around)
circumcise v. 为...割包皮;为...行割礼
He was never circumcised,and i feel his uncircumcised penis is a turn off to women. 他没有做过包皮切除手术,我想女人们因此而离开他。
5. decisive
adj.决定性的,决定的;坚决的;确定的 *de(=down)
decisively adv.决定性地
decisive battle 决战
decisive evidence 确证
decisive ballots 决选投票
6. precis
n. <法>大意,概略,摘录 *pre(=before,intensive)
vt. <法>为…写摘要,概括…的大意
7. precise
adj.精确的;确切的;细致的,严格;刻板的 *pre(=before,intensive)
precise measurements 精确的测量
a very precise man 非常刻板的人
8. precisely
9. chisel
n.凿子,凿刀 v.用凿子凿、刻、雕 *chis<cis(=cut)
10. castration
n.阉割,删改 *cas<cis(=cut)
castrate v.阉割;删改
11. fratricide
n.杀害兄弟姐妹者《fratri = 拉丁文frater = trother》 cf.fraternity (手足之情)
12. insecticide
n.杀虫剂《insect = 昆虫》
13. matricide
n.杀母者《matr = 拉丁文 mater =mother》 cf.maternity (母性)
14. patricide
n.杀父者 《patri = 拉丁文 pater =father》 cf.paternity (父性)
15. suicide
v.,n. 自杀(者)(将自己切割)《拉丁文su- = self》
16. bactericide(bacteri = bacteria 细菌;-cide n. = killer 杀...剂)
n. 杀菌剂
bactericidal adj.杀菌的
词根:pot(pow, poss) = powerful, capable of
来自拉丁语的pot 意为powerful,capable of,它的变形有pow,poss等
1. empower(使强有力em<en(make) + pow<pot(=powerful))
vt. 授权
empowerment n.授权
The feminist movement empowered millions of women in america. 美国的女权运动赋予数百万女性以权力。
2. omnipotent(能够做所有的事的omni(=all) + pot(=capable of ,powerful))
omnipotence n.全能
In the face of evil,many wonder if god is omnipotent. 在面对罪恶时,很多人怀疑上帝是否无所不能的。
3. potent(拥有力量的pot(=powerful))
potency n.力量;势力,权势;效能,效力;性交能力
potentate n.当权者,有权势的人;君主
A manta ray's tail contains a potent poison that causes a painful sting. 蝠鲼尾部含有一种能够吸引起剧烈疼痛的剧毒。
4. despot
n.专制君主;独裁者;暴君 *des(=ligament)
despotic adj.专制的;独裁的;暴虐的
despotism n.独裁;专制(政治);专制国家
5. impotent
adj.无能为力的; 无力的,无力量的;(男性)阳痿的 *im<in(=not)
6. impotence
n.无能为力;无力;虚弱;阳痿 *im<in(=not)
7. potentate
n.有权势者,当权者;君主,统治者 *ate(=person who)
8. potential
adj.潜在的,可能的 n.潜在事物;潜力;可能性
potentially adv. 潜在地
potentially rich country 有潜力的富庶国
potential wealth/resources 潜在财富/潜在资源
potential customer 有可能成为主顾的人,潜在顾客
potential adversary 潜在的对手,假想敌
9. potentiallty
country with great potentialities 具有巨大发展潜力的国家
10. possibillity
n.可能(性);可能发生的事 *poss<pot(=capable of )
词根:cumb, cub = to lean, to lie
来自拉丁语的cumb,cub意为to lean,to lie。同义词根有来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的croch(croach,crouch,crotch,crutch,crook)和来自拉丁语的clin/cli,cliv,flect/flex等。
1. encumber(靠在里面en(=in) + cumb(=lean,lie))
vt. sth/sb + with + sth 妨碍;使负担(债务、义务等);因...而负担;阻塞(某个场所)
encumbrance n.妨碍,障碍;令人头疼的事
His heirs discovered his estate was encumbered with substantial debt. 他的继承人发现他的遗产负有相当多的债务。
2. incumbent(躺在某物上面in(=on) + cumb(=lie))
incumbency n.职责,义务;任职
The incumbent usually has an advantage in any election campaign. 在任何选举活动中,在职者通常都占有优势。
3. recumbent(躺在后面的re(=back) + cumb(=lie))
I was recumbent in a hammock when the earthquake struck. 地震发生的时候,我正躺在吊床上。
4. succumb(躺在下方suc<sub(=under) + cumb(=lean,lie))
vi. to + sth 屈服,屈从;死
He succumbed to malaria after several long nights of chills and fevers. 经受了几夜的风寒和高烧,他最终死于疟疾。
5. incubus(躺在某物内in(=in,on) + cub(=lie))
The woman claimed to have been violated by an incubus,but was probably insane. 那个女人说自己一直受噩梦的折磨,但很可能她有些精神错乱。
6. cumber
cumber onerself with an overcoat on a warm day. 暖和天穿大衣,自己受罪
cumbered with parcels 肩负包裹
7. cumbersome
adj.麻烦的,累赘的; 笨重的
cumbersome armor 笨重的盔甲
8. concubine
n.妾;姘夫 *con<com(=together)
take six women as his concubines 他娶了六个小妾
9. incubate
v.孵化;培育(细菌);酝酿(计划等),筹措;将(早产儿等)放入保育器里抚养、培养 *in(=in)
10. incubation
n.孵卵;(疾病的)潜伏 *in(=in)
artificial incubation 人工孵化
11. incubator
n.孵化器;细菌培育器;早产儿保育器;酝酿计划的人 *in(=in)
12. succubus
n.女妖(据说在男人睡觉时降临并与其性交) *suc<sub(=under)
13. cube
cube root 立方根,三次方根
cube sugar 方糖
14. cubic
one cubic meter 1立方米
cubic foot 立方英尺
15. cubicle
词根:monstr = to show
来自拉丁语的monstrare意为 to show。同义词根有来自希腊语的phan /phen。
1. remonstrate(重新、反对着展示re(=again,against) + monstr(=show))
remonstrance n.抗议;忠告
A rabid fan jumped from the stands to remonstrate with the referee.一位狂热的爱好者跳下观众席,向裁判抗议。
2. demonstrate
v.证明,论证;(用模型、实验等)说明,示范操作;表露;示威 *de(=completely)
3. demonstration
n.证明,论证;示范;示威(运动) *de(=completely)
demonstration reactor示范反应堆
4. demonstrable
adj.可论证的,可证明的;显而易见的 *de(=completely)
demonstrability n.论证、证明可能性
5. demonstrative
adj.感情流露的;[语]指示的;明确的,结论性的;示范的 *de(=completely)
demonstrative behavior 流露情感的行为
demonstrative pronoun 指示代词
6. demonstrator
n.示威者,参加流行的人;示范者;论证者 *de(=completely)
7. monstrous
monstrosity n.怪异;怪物,可怕的东西
monstrous crimes 骇人听闻的罪行
monstrous sum巨额
It's perfectly monstrous that men should be paid more than women for the same job.同一职业的男性的收入应该比女性的多,这简直太荒谬了。
8. monster
Mermaids,griffins and dragons are monsters.人鱼、狮身鹫首的怪兽和龙都是虚构的怪物。
A five-legged dog is a monster.五条腿的狗是畸形动物
monster of cruelty 极度凶残的人
monster ship 大型船舶
monster tree 巨树
词根:merc = to trade(贸易), reward(报酬)
来自拉丁语的merc意为to trade。
(*拉丁文mercari (=to trade),merces (=reward,pay),merx (=merchandise)。这些字大都来自merere (= to gain,to buy,to purchase))
1. mercenary (收钱出售merc (=trade))
Some poor foreign women have mercenary motives when they marry rich Americans.一些贫困的外国女人为钱而和富有的美国人结婚。
2. mercantile
mercantilism n.重商主义
mercantile marine 商船;mercantile doctrine /theory /system重商主义
3. merchant
coal merchant /wine merchant 煤炭/葡萄酒商
merchant prince 巨贾
merchant ship 商船
merchant seaman 商船船员
4. merchandise
5. mercer
mercery n.绸布店
6. commerce
n.商业,(特别指国家间的)贸易,交易;交流 *com (=together)
chamber of commerce 商会
7. commercial
n.(广播、电视)商业广告 *com (=together)
commercial attitude 商业态度
commercial attache/bank/transaction/treaty 商务专员/商业银行/商业贸易/通商条约
commercial company 商业公司
commercial soda 商品苏达
commercial TV/radio 商业电视/广播
8. market
v.交易;出售《mark = merc》
9. mercy
10. merciless
词根词缀:anthrop-, anthropo-, -anthrope, -anthropic, -anthropical, -anthropically, -anthropism, -anthropist, -anthropoid, -anthropus, -anthropy
【来源及含义】Greek: man; human beings, mankind; including, males (man, men; boy, boys) and females (woman, women; girl, girls); all members of the human race; people, humanity
【相关词根词缀】Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":
Related "people, human" word units:
【同源单词】academic anthropologist, academic anthropology, Africanthropus, American Institute of Philanthropy, anthrobot, anthropagogy
词根词缀:doul-, dulo-, dul-
【来源及含义】Greek: slave, servile, slavish; servitude; serving
【相关描述】A doula supports a woman and her family in achieving the kind of birth that they desire. A doula works in homes, hospitals, and birth centers; and gives, emotional, physical, and informational support. A careprovider, be he/she a midwife, OB/gyn, or family practitioner, will take care of a woman's prenatal care and birth. A doula is supposed to ensure that someone is always available to look after the mother-to-be emotionally. These objectives are facilitated by communication between the laboring woman, her partner, and her clinical care providers.
As a supportive companion (other than a friend or loved one) a doula is professionally trained to provide birth-labor support. She performs no clinical tasks. A doula also refers to lay women who are trained or experienced in providing postpartum care—mother and newborn care, breastfeeding support and advice, cooking, child care, errands, and light cleaning—for the family. To distinguish between the two types of doulas, one may refer to "birth doulas" and "postpartum doulas".