apologyyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[apology 词源字典]
apology: [16] The original meaning of apology was ‘formal self-justification’, often used as the title of a piece of writing rebutting criticism (as in the Apology of Sir Thomas More, knight 1533). This is indicative of the word’s origins in Greek apologíā, a derivative of the verb apologeisthai ‘speak in one’s defence’, formed from the prefix apo- ‘away, off’ and logos ‘speech’ (source of English logic).

It entered English through either French apologie or Latin apologia (which was separately borrowed into English as a Latinism in the late 18th century). The meaning ‘expression of regret for offence given’ developed in the late 16th century.

=> logic[apology etymology, apology origin, 英语词源]
apoplexy: [14] The Greek verb apopléssein meant ‘incapacitate by means of a stroke’. It was formed from the prefix apo- ‘away, off’ (here used as an intensive) and the verb pléssein ‘hit’ (source of English plectrum [17] and related to English complain, plangent, plankton, and plague). The derived noun, apoplēxíā, entered English via Latin and Old French.
=> complain, plague, plangent, plankton, plectrum
apostle: [OE] Apostle was an early borrowing into Old English from Latin, and like angel it originally meant ‘messenger’. Latin apostolus came from Greek apóstolos ‘messenger’, or literally ‘someone sent out’; this was a compound formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb stéllein ‘send’ (related to English stall and local). The Old English form, apostol, was gradually replaced from the 12th century by apostle, from Old French apostle.
=> epistle, local, stall
apostrophe: [17] Apostrophe comes originally from the Greek phrase prosōidiā apóstrophos, literally ‘accent of turning away’, hence, a mark showing where a letter or sound has been omitted. Apóstrophos itself was derived from the compound verb apostréphein, formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb stréphein ‘turn’ (related to the second element of catastrophe [16], whose Greek original meant literally ‘overturning’). English acquired the word via French and Latin.
=> catastrophe
apothecary: [14] Originally, an apothecary was simply a shopkeeper – the word comes via Old French from late Latin apothēcārius, which was based on Greek apothékē ‘storehouse’ (source, via French, of boutique [18] and via Spanish of bodega [19]), a derivative of the verb apotithénai ‘put away’ (formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb tithénai ‘put’ – source of thesis).

By the time the word entered English it was reserved to shopkeepers who sold non-perishable groceries, such as spices – and herbal and other remedies. Gradually, apothecaries began to specialize more and more in drugs, so that in 1617 a formal separation took place between the Apothecaries’ Company of London and the Grocers’ Company. Apothecary remained the general term for a ‘druggist’ until about 1800, when chemist began to take over.

=> bodega, boutique, thesis
apotheosis: see theology
apparatus: [17] Etymologically, apparatus is ‘equipment that has been prepared for a particular use’. The word is borrowed from Latin apparātus, the past participle of the compound verb apparāre, formed from the prefix ad- and parāre ‘make ready’ (source of prepare ‘make ready in advance’, and related to parent). At the beginning of the 17th century, the related but anglicized form apparate put in a brief appearance in the language (possibly borrowed from French apparat), but within 20 years apparatus had supplanted it.
=> parent, prepare
apparel: [13] Apparel has the same source as apparatus, and originally it had the same meaning, too: until as late as the start of the 18th century, it was used for ‘equipment needed for performing a particular function’. But the sense ‘clothing’ is of equal antiquity in English, and by the 16th century it had become established as the central meaning of the word. Its immediate source was Old French apareil (modern French appareil means chiefly ‘apparatus’), which came from a hypothetical Vulgar Latin verb *appariculāre, an irregular formation based on Latin apparāre ‘make ready’ (see APPARATUS).
=> parent, prepare
apparent: see appear
apparition: see appear
appeal: [14] The ultimate Latin source of appeal, the verb adpellere (formed from the prefix ad- ‘to’ and pellere ‘drive’ – related to anvil, felt, and pulse), seems to have been used in nautical contexts in the sense ‘direct a ship towards a particular landing’. It was extended metaphorically (with a modification in form to appellāre) to mean ‘address’ or ‘accost’, and from these came two specific, legal, applications: ‘accuse’ and ‘call for the reversal of a judgment’. Appeal had both these meanings when it was first adopted into English from Old French apeler.

The former had more or less died out by the beginning of the 19th century, but the second has flourished and led to the more general sense ‘make an earnest request’. Peal [14], as in ‘peal of bells’, is an abbreviated form of appeal, and repeal [14] comes from the Old French derivative rapeler.

=> anvil, felt, peal, pulse, repeal
appear: [13] Appear comes via Old French apareir from Latin appārēre, a compound verb formed from the prefix ad- and pārēre ‘show, become visible’ (related to Greek peparein ‘display’). Appārēre was also the ultimate source of apparent [14], via its present participial stem appārent-, and of apparition [15], via its noun derivative appāritiō.
=> apparent, apparition
appease: see peace
appendix: see penthouse
appetite: [14] In its origins, appetite referred to a very generalized desire or inclination; the wish for food is a secondary development. The Latin noun was appetītus, a derivative of the compound verb appetere ‘strive after, desire eagerly’, which was based on petere ‘go to, seek out’ (source also of English compete, impetus, petition, and repeat, and related to feather).
=> compete, impetus, petition, repeat
applaud: [15] English probably acquired this word directly from Latin applaudere, which meant literally ‘clap at’. It was a compound formed from the prefix ad- ‘to’ and the verb plaudere ‘clap’, source also of plaudit [17] and of explode, whose original sense seems to have been ‘drive from the stage by clapping’ (or, presumably, by any other signals of disapproval favoured by Roman audiences).
=> explode, plaudit
apple: [OE] Words related to apple are found all over Europe; not just in Germanic languages (German apfel, Dutch appel, Swedish äpple), but also in Balto-Slavonic (Lithuanian óbuolas, Polish jabtko), and Celtic (Irish ubhall, Welsh afal) languages. The Old English version was æppel, which developed to modern English apple.

Apparently from earliest times the word was applied not just to the fruit we now know as the apple, but to any fruit in general. For example, John de Trevisa, in his translation of De proprietatibus rerum 1398 wrote ‘All manner apples that is, “fruit” that are enclosed in a hard skin, rind, or shell, are called Nuces nuts’. The term earth-apple has been applied to several vegetables, including the cucumber and the potato (compare French pomme de terre), and pineapple (which originally meant ‘pine cone’, with particular reference to the edible pine nuts) was applied to the tropical fruit in the 17th century, because of its supposed resemblance to a pine cone.

apple-pie bedyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
apple-pie bed: see ply
apply: see ply
appoint: [14] Appoint came from the Old French verb apointier ‘arrange’, which was based on the phrase a point, literally ‘to a point’. Hints of the original meaning can still be found in some of the verb’s early uses in English, in the sense ‘settle a matter decisively’, but its main modern meanings, ‘fix by prior arrangement’ and ‘select for a post’, had become established by the mid 15th century.
=> point