【来源及含义】Latin: to strangle; to choke or to suffocate
【相关描述】A spasmodic, cramplike, oppressive pain or attack. Any of varioius diseases marked by attacks of choking or suffocation, especially those affecting the throat.
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references related to "pain, hurt; suffering, injury" word families: -agra; algesi-; algo-; dolor-; Masochism; noci-; odyno-; poen-; pono- (toil, work; pain); Sadism.
【同源单词】angina, angina pectoris, anginal, anginaphobia, anginiform, anginoid
词根词缀:angle, angu-
【来源及含义】Latin: a corner, a bend
【同源单词】acutangular, acute angle, angle, angle, angular, angularly
【来源及含义】Latin: serpent, snake
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, with: "snakes or other reptiles": coluber-; herpeto-; ophio-; reptil-; sauro-.
【同源单词】anguiform, anguilliform, anguine, anguineous, anguiped, anguiped
词根词缀:angusti-, angust-
【来源及含义】Latin: narrow, tight, slender, thin
【同源单词】Ad augusta per angust, anguish, anguish, anguish, angust, angustate
词根词缀:anilo-, anil-
【来源及含义】Latin: an old woman; old age of a woman; a "venerable woman"
【相关词根词缀】 Related "woman, female" units: fem-; gyno-; mulie-; virgo-.
【同源单词】anile, anililagnia, anility, anilojuvenogamist, anilojuvenogamous, anilojuvenogamy
词根词缀:anima-, anim-
【来源及含义】Latin: animal life, a living creature; living; breath; soul; mind
【相关描述】The Latin element, anima-, refers to “a living being” from a Latin form meaning, “of air, having a spirit, living”; which in turn comes from another form meaning, “breath of air, air, soul, life”.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "animal" units: faun-; therio-; zoo-. Related life, live-word units: bio-; -cole; vita-; viva-. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; psych-; thymo-2.
【同源单词】anima, animadversion, animadversive, animadversiveness, animadvert, animadverter
词根词缀:aniso-, anis-
【来源及含义】Greek: unequal; by extension: unsymmetrical, uneven; dissimilar, unlike
【相关描述】A combination of an- (Greek), "negative", "no", or "not"; plus iso-, "equal" resulting in unequal or not equal.
A formative of technical terms, in many cases merely the negative of corresponding terms in iso-.
【同源单词】aniseikonia, anisergy, aniso, anisocarpous, anisochromasia, anisochromia
词根词缀:ankylo-, ankyl-, anky-, anchylo-, anchyl-, ancylo-, ancyl-
【来源及含义】Greek: stiff, unmovable; adhesion; by extension, "bent, hooked, crooked, curved, looped"
【同源单词】anchyloblepharon, anchylose, anchylosed, anchylosis, anchylotic, ankyloblepharon
词根词缀:ann-, anni-, annu-
【来源及含义】Latin: year, yearly
【同源单词】annalist, annals, anniversary, anno Domini, anno mundi, annual
词根词缀:annul-, anul-
【来源及含义】Latin: ring
【同源单词】annular, annuloaortic, annuloplasty, annulus, anular cartilage, anular ligament