词根词缀:miss-, mis-, -miss, -mis, mit-, mitt-, -mit, -mitt
【来源及含义】Latin: to send, to let go, to cause to go; to throw, to hurl, to cast
【相关描述】Don't confuse this miss-, -mis unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miso-, mis-, "hate, hatred"; misc- "mix, mingle".
【同源单词】admissibility, admissible, admissibleness, admissibly, admission, admit
【来源及含义】Latin: make mild or gentle; mild, gentle, soft
【同源单词】immitigability, immitigable, immitigably, mitigable, mitigant, mitigate
词根词缀:mito-, mit-
【来源及含义】Greek: thread
【同源单词】karyomitotic, mitochondria, mitochondrial, mitochondrion, mitogen, mitogenesia
词根词缀:mixo-, mix-, mixti-, -mixis, -mixia, -mixie, -mixy
【来源及含义】Greek mikso > Latin mixtus: mix, mixed, a mixing, a mingling, an intercourse; to combine or to blend into one mass or substance; to combine things; such as, activities, ideas, styles; to balance and to adjust individual musical performers’ parts to make an overall sound by electronic means
【同源单词】ACE mixture, admixtion, allomixis, amphimixis, case mix, crenogenic meromixis
词根词缀:mne-, mnem-, mnemon-, mnes-, -mnesia, -mnesiac, -mnesic, -mnestic
【来源及含义】Greek: memory, to remember; recollection of something or someone; awareness, consciousness of the present and the past
【相关词根词缀】 Etymologically related "forget, forgetfulness" word families: aletho-; letho-; oblivio-. Related "memory, remembering" word families: memor-; reminisc-.
【同源单词】acousmatamnesia, amnemonic, amnesia, amnesiac, amnesic, amnesiophobia
词根词缀:mobil-, mobi-
【来源及含义】Latin: move, moving, to set in motion
【相关词根词缀】Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; kine-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.
【同源单词】automobile, demobilize, electric car, electron mobility, electrophoretic mobility, electrostatic charge mobility
【来源及含义】Latin: measure; suitable; size, limit, way, method; rhythm, harmony
【同源单词】accommodate, accommodatingly, accommodation, amplitude modulation, commode, commodious
词根词缀:mogi-, -mogia
【来源及含义】Greek: with difficulty, difficult; with toil and pain
【同源单词】hypnomogia, mogiarthria, mogigraphy, mogilalia, mogiphonia, mogitocia
【来源及含义】Latin: soft
【同源单词】cherimolla, emollience, emollient, emollition, Holcus molli, mollescent
【来源及含义】Greek > Modern Latin: lead [the metal]
【同源单词】ferromolybdenum, molybdate, molybdate orange, molybdenite, molybdenous, molybdenum