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词根词缀:osmo-, osmia-, osmi-, -osmia, -osmatic (push)

【来源及含义】Greek: impulse, thrust, push, impel

【相关描述】Don't confuse this osmo- word-unit with another osmo- unit meaning "smell, odor".

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "push, shove, thrust": pel-; puls-; trud-.

【同源单词】biosmosis, chemosmosis, electroendosmosis, electro-osmosis, endosmosis, endosmotic

词根词缀:osphresio-, osphresi-

【来源及含义】Greek: to smell; pertaining to odor or to the sense of smell

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "smell, odor": arom-; brom-; odor-, odori-; olfacto-; osmo-; ozon-.

【同源单词】anosmia gustatoria, hyperosphresia, hyposphresia, olfactophobia, osphresia, osphresiolagnia

词根词缀:osphy-, osphyo-

【来源及含义】Greek: loin

【同源单词】osphyalgia, osphyitis, osphyomyelitis

词根词缀:osseo-, osse-, ossi-

【来源及含义】Latin: bone, bony

【同源单词】ossein, osseoaponeurotic, osseocartilaginous, osseoligamentous, osseosonometer, osseosonometry

词根词缀:osteo-, oste-, ost-

【来源及含义】Greek: bone

【同源单词】acroosteolysis, anti-osteoporosis, centro-osteosclerosis, electrically stimulated osteogenesis, endosteoma, fibro-osteoma

词根词缀:ostreo-, ostra-, ostre-, ostrei-, ostri-; ostraco-, ostrac-, -ostraca, -ostracan

【来源及含义】Greek: oyster; creatures having or characterized by a type of hard shell

【同源单词】ostraceous, ostracine, ostracism, ostracize, ostracoid, ostraconophobia


【来源及含义】Latin: east

【同源单词】Ostrogoth, Ostrogothic

词根词缀:oti-, otio-

【来源及含义】Latin: leisure, at leisure; at ease; idle

【同源单词】negotiability, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiatrix, non-negotiable


【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix that means: state or condition of; diseased condition of

【同源单词】acrotic, agrypnotic, albinotic, alloeosis, anaerobiotic, angioneurotic

词根词缀:oto-, ot-, -otic

【来源及含义】Greek: ear; relationship to the ear

【相关词根词缀】 Related "ear" word families: auri-; myring-; tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).

【同源单词】dichotic, ectotitis, endotic, endotitis, entotic, epiotic