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词根词缀:-ous, -ious, -eous

【来源及含义】Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.

【相关描述】Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.

【同源单词】abdominous, abiogenous, ablepharous, abstemious, acanthaceous, acanthocephalous


【来源及含义】Latin: egg

【同源单词】ova, oval, ovariotomy, ovaritis, ovary, ovate

词根词缀:ovari-, ovario-, ova-, -ovaria, -ovarial

【来源及含义】Latin: egg

【同源单词】anovaria, cholecystectomy, hyperovaria, ovarialgic, ovarian, ovariopathy


【来源及含义】Latin: egg

【同源单词】Ab ovo, Ab ovo usque ad mala, ovocenter, ovocyte, ovoflavin, ovogenesis

词根词缀:ovum-, ovu-

【来源及含义】Latin: egg

【同源单词】anovulant, ovula, ovular, ovulase, ovulate, ovulation


【来源及含义】Indo-European > Old English: male bovine

【相关词根词缀】Related "bovine; cow, ox, bull" word units: bou-; bovo-; tauro-; vaccino-.

【同源单词】Grunting Ox, Ox, ox

词根词缀:oxal-, ox-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: wood sorrel; the leaves of the wood sorrel are acidic to the taste

【同源单词】hyperoxaluria, oxalate, oxalated, oxalation, oxalemia, oxalic acid

词根词缀:oxy-, -oxia, -oxic

【来源及含义】Greek: sharp, acute, pointed, keen; sour, acid, acidic, pungent

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "sour, sharp": acerb-; aceto-; acid-; acies- (not "sour"); acuto- (not "sour"); pung- (not "sour").

【同源单词】anoxia, antioxidant, antioxidation, cerebral anoxia, deoxidation, deoxidize

词根词缀:ozono-, ozon-, ozoni-, ozo-, oz-

【来源及含义】Greek: to smell; stink; generally used in a bad sense

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "smell, odor": arom-; brom-; odor-, odori-; olfacto-; osmo-; osphresio-.

【同源单词】Ozaena, ozena laryngis, ozenous, ozocerite, ozochrotia, ozochrotous